Thursday, October 01, 2009

Enjoying Bonus Life

Picture above shows the officers and members GROLI during their Induction. They are (l to r) Dr. Daphne Y.O. Villorente - president, Dr. Arturo I. Zonio - vice president, Lydia Z. Zapata-treasurer, Edwin I. Ramos-asst. sec. treas., Engr. Roselle Z. Nagrama - secretary, Dr. Florencia F. Villorente and Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente - consultants Administering the oath of office is Atty. Saykeme E. Molino-Martelino, extreme left.

Dr. Daphne Y. O. Villorente was sworn as president of the Government Retirees Organization of Libacao, Inc. (GROLI) on Sunday, September 27, 2009. The Induction program was held in her residence in Libacao.

Dr. Daphne Y. O. Villorente is a retired DepEd district supervisor in 2007, after 44 years of continuous, loyal, fruitful, and dedicated service to the government. She started as a classroom teacher in Libacao, earned her promotions until she was appointed District Supervisor. She is married to Engr. Geraldito A. Villorente, former Libacao Mayor for three terms (1988 – 1998).

Installed with Dr. Villorente are Dr. Arturo I. Zonio – vice president, Engr. Roselle Z. Nagrama – secretary, Lydia Z. Zapata – treasurer, and P/Sr. Insp. Edwin I. Ramos (Ret.) – asst. secretary treasurer. Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente and Dr. Florencia F. Villorente serve as consultants.

Atty. Saykeme E. Molino – Martelino was the guest speaker and inducting officer who urged the retirees to enjoy their retirement, be role models in the society and be ambassadors at large of Libacao.

GROLI is organized in 1991 geared to promote camaraderie among its members and enjoy the remaining parts of their lives through fellowship. It was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2006.

The first president was the late Desiderio M. Ruiz, a retired school principal. Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente succeeded him in 1999 who served for 10 years until the new set of officers are elected in a peaceful, credible and enjoyable election in September 2009 with Dr. Daphne Y.O. Villorente as president. /MP

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