Sunday, October 11, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Human Breed Improvement

In the Aklan Rehabilitation Center (ARC), Nalook, Kalibo, a woman detainee was mixed in the detention cell of male inmates. And she was detained with a foreigner in the cell.

The mixing of male and female detainees in one cell is done only in Kalibo. It is really difficult to understand why it was done.

The incident in the ARC, Kalibo reminded me of a research project of the Bureau of Animal Industry aimed to upgrade the breed of local carabao.

In order to improve the breed of carabao, a native female buffalo was placed together with a foreign breed buffalo inside the fence to induce mating in the evening. The research resulted to the improvement of the size and strength of the native carabao.

ARC is operated and maintained by the provincial government of Aklan to rehabilitate misguided persons and never to upgrade human species.

Worst Flood and Mud

On June 21 last year, Aklan specifically Kalibo and Numancia experienced the worse flood and mud distraction as a consequence of typhoon Frank.

But Metro Manila and the nearby provinces like Rizal and Bulacan experienced the worst mud and flood on Sept. 26. There was continuous rain in six hours that produced water equivalent to the total quantity of rain water that fall in one month based on the historical data. The rain brought six (6) feet deep to 15 feet water. Until this writing, some parts of Metro Manila are still under water. The flood carried soil that covered the metropolis.

Urban planners attributed the catastrophe to climate change; irresponsible waste management; the use of creeks as residential, business and industrial places; unabated cutting of tress in nearby Metro Manila; and the conversion of the hillsides into residential places.

Garbage, waterways, shanties by the sides of the esteros are blocking the flow of water. Creeks in Metro Manila are covered by buildings. These all prevented the water to flow its course, hence the flood.

Moreover, the cutting of trees by the hillsides and excavating the soil disturbed ecology. Soil erosion was taking place annually that silted the rivers and lakes making it shallow every year.

When more rain came, the water holding capacity was limited. Thus, the overflow. The soil eroded from the mountain sides went with the water. When water receded, mud was deposited.

What took place in Metro Manila and nearby provinces are valuable lessons learned for the people, especially for Aklanons. Let us continue planting trees in the mountain and in all vacant spaces, manage well our garbage, allow cover crops to grow on the mountain sides, restore the lost creeks.

These are some ways to mitigate the anger of nature. Do you have your own way? Let us have it and do it to prevent flooding, mudding, and living safely and at peace. /MP

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