Thursday, October 08, 2009

Winning The War Against Insurgency

The 12th IB, 3rd Infantry Division PA under the supervision of LTC HENRY C DAR INF (GSC) PA, Commanding Officer 12IB and 3CMOU, CMOG, PA under the leadership of MAJ JENIE M HEYASA conducted series of Information Campaign to the different schools in the Province of Aklan. The information campaign aims to keep the people aware on the evils of communism and the deceiving principles of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

As mandated by the Higher Headquarters, Philippine Army, it is the army’s social responsibility to enlighten and educate the people about the threats to National Security. This is an awareness program designed to establish a close relationship between the Army, government agencies, private sector, and civilian populace to prevent the CPP/NPA/NDF from recruiting new members.

The Internal Security Awareness Symposium (ISAS is an Army-initiated effort supported by different Schools, Barangay Councils, and other government agencies to stop the senseless ideology of the communist. Considering that insurgency is a social problem , this cannot be solved by military solution alone. Insurgency needs the full cooperation and involvement of Government Agencies, NGO’s, religious sector, private institutions, and the masses.

To date, the 12th IB, 3ID, PA and 3CMO, CMOG, PA has completed the Internal Security Awareness Symposium in various parts of Banga, Madalag and Malinao headed by the newly designated Civil Military Operation Officer 1LT RICARDO C VILLARUEL III (INF) PA. A documentary film entitled "The Cathlyn Santos Story I was shown. This film is a true story and revelation of a former NPA member on how the CPP/NPA/NDF brutally murdered her friend, the late Cathlyn Santos, a young student of Veterinary Medicine in Luzon. Cathlyn Santos, prior to her involvement in NPA, was one among those recruited and deceived by the League of Filipino Students.

On the other hand, Mr Ronito I Inolino, School head of Ciriaco I. Icamina National High School and Hon Danilo Arsenio, Barangay Chairman of Barangay Bulabod, Malinao, Aklan in an interview by Sgt Glenn I Zolina (Inf) PA denounced the atrocious act of the Communist Terrorist particularly to the minors which is a violation of human rights.

As people gets fully aware, insurgency will soon be brought to an end and the 3rd Infantry (SPEARHEAD) Division under the Command of MAJ GEN VICENTE M PORTO AFP Comman-der 3ID, PA will once again prove that "Winning the war without fighting is the true acme of skill". /MP

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