Thursday, November 05, 2009

BAR Cites DA-6 Comparative Study On Mango IPM As Best Paper

The Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) cited the research paper entitled "Comparative Study of Mango Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with Farmer’s Practice" as one of the qualifiers during the 21st National Research Symposium held at the 4th Floor RDMIC Building, Elliptical Road Corner Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City recently.

Dir. Larry P. Nacionales said that the AFMA Research Paper Award is instituted to identify newly developed technologies and new knowledge useful to agriculture and fisheries modernization.

"The annual research symposium aims to promote Research & Development (R&D) excellence. It gives due recognition to the accomplishments of agriculture and fisheries researchers for their notable achievements in their respective fields." Dir Nacionales added.

This competition also serves as a medium for evaluation and critiquing of researches being conducted in the agricultural fields in order to improve, publish and commercialize them with our farmer entrepreneurs.

Among the IPM cultural management adopted in the study are under brushing, pruning, basal application of fertilizer, light trapping, irrigation, hanging of baits, brisking, fruit bagging, fruit sorting at harvest and hot water treatment.

The study also showed that adoption of IPM technology in mango production is more profitable compared to farmer’s practice. Results also showed that adopting IPM on mango controls more population of fruitfly, decrease incidence of anthracnose disease infection and ensure a 10 to 30 grams weight compared to farmer’s practice. It must be noted that farmer’s practice used more pesticide in controlling leafhopper than IMP practice.

This year’s theme "Sakahan, Kaalaman, Kaunlaran: Improving the Lives of Farmers and Fisherfolks through Research and Develop-ment" speaks of the importance of R and D in facing global challenges in agriculture.

Mango specialists Rolando C. Celiz, Evelyn S. Echavez and Rosemarie PeƱaflor of DA-WESVIARC authored the paper. They received citation award and ten thousand pesos cash prize from the BAR. /MP

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