Thursday, November 19, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Police Blotter Report Enhances Justice*

* A message delivered during the opening ceremony of the Technical Writing and Public Speaking training for the Aklan PNP held on November 16, 2009, Gov. Corazon L. Cabagnot Livelihood and Tourism Training Center, Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan.


Thank you Police Sr. Inspector Arnolito Laguerta for inviting me to your Police Development Program. I accepted it instantly. I cannot refuse the invitation. How can I refused his invitation? We had invited him for several times as guest to the weekly forum, we call Kapehan Sa Aklan.

Chief Laguerta has always honored our invitation. And my presence here with you this morning is a strong indication of an excellent and cordial relation between the members of the Aklan tri-media on one hand and the Aklan police on the other hand, not only in Kalibo but the entire Aklan province. Let no one stain our cordial relation.

Personally, I am deeply honored by the invitation. Thank you very much. I’ll try to equal your expectation.

Last night, I received two texts. One came from a good friend. The text states: "Doc Botoy, you bet, Pacquiao ako. Limang daan mo wins P1,000".
The second text from a student states: "Sir, please absent ako hin-aga. Pagod, watch Pacquiao – Cotto boxing".

Even with modern technology, my comrades in the police department, speech and writing had been deteriorating.

I am sure you want to stop the deterioration. You want to improve your writing to improve your speech. With this project, with the effort, I heartily encourage, congratulate you all for undertaking public speaking and technical writing course. I am certain, knowledge and skills learn in this course will greatly benefit you personally, will improve the police services, and enhance the justice system. For many times, decisions on the criminal cases brought to the court were based upon the police blotter report. Blotter report written accurately with complete, precise facts therein will provide bases for fair and just decision. A well written blotter report with enough and accurate facts of a case is sure of court acceptance and will serve best the cause of justice.

Today, communicating is more comfortable by electronic mail or by telephone than com-municating face to face. Speaking to a large or small group, or even one on one may intimidate or frighten you. This is what is called glossophobia.

Do you have stage fright? Nervous when called upon the stage to speak? You will learn to successfully formulate, express and sell your ideas, yourself, and get rid of that nervousness when called upon to speak. You will improve your ability to listen by diligently studying. You will learn leadership skills and master the ability to lead. But this 5-day training will not make you expert in technical writing and public speaking.

My dear police officers, your training today does not guarantee for your becoming eloquent speakers. It may assure you a combination of ideas to become the most suit speakers, witty and convincing. For the way to become one is to study, write speeches or reports, and deliver it regularly as best as you can, with or without audience. You may choose the cemetery or memorial park as venue to deliver your speech. You can deliver these speeches one after the other: Introduction speech to introduce a guest speaker; invocation to implore the blessing of God before the program starts; opening remark or closing in a program; keynote speech as a guest speaker; valedictory address of a retiring official; roasting a friend; humorous speech; toast for a friend during a party to express the group’s best wishes; eulogy presented in Necrological service among others.
Tips In Speech Preparation and Delivery

Narrow the subject which parts are: Opening, body, and conclusion.

1. Speak with sincerity – talk on the subject which you have a strong conviction and radiates sincerity. Speak with confidence. The opening statement will awake the audience, make them want to listen more.

2. Organize your speech logically to make sense to the audience. Speech must be persuasive no audience accept a mere idea. Talk of the subject of interest to the audience.

3. Fitting Body Language emphasizes and illustrates our points to make. Gestures, movements and facial expressions help to release any nervous energy. Have eye contact. Look directly at one person until you finish a thought.

4. Rehearse your speech not only once but more until you can perfectly deliver before delivering.

5. The voice must be pleasant, convey sense of friendship, natural reflecting tone, give force and strength, portray meaning, never monotonous, and easily heard.

6. Use easily under-standable terms/words, use short words 7. Use of Prop, the object that contributes clarity to speech such as book, ball, rock, and animal. The prop is appropriate to message, appropriate to audience, to occasion, enhances the message, clearly visible, and use with confidence displayed at appropriate time.

9. Persuasive power is to get other people understand, accept and act upon your ideas. Before audience will adopt the speaker’s ideas, listeners must like, trust and respect the speaker who is knowledgeable, reputable, sincere who speaks with confidence, firmness, and self assuring.

10. Inspire the audience by bringing audience together in a mood of fellowship and shared desires; build the audience’s enthusiasm and draw it out, and give audience a clear sense of purpose.

In conclusion, the speech must have opening which captures the audience’s attention, and leads them into speech topic. The body must include statement of facts, and supporting materials. The conclusion must summarize and call to actions/memorable statement of the participants. /MP

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