Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gorres Stays In U.S.A For Rehab

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – If he survives in 24 hours, Z Gorres alias "Butchoy" will stay in the United States to undergo rehabilitation.

Philippine Basketball League commissioner Chino Trinidad, who rushed to the University Medical Center hospital in Las Vegas to check Gorres’ situation, said Dr. Michael Seiss told him and Gorres’ manager, Michael Aldeguer, that anything could happen in 24 hours but his chances of survival are big because of his age and physical condition as athlete.

Gorres, 27, a father of four, however, will have to stay in the United States for at least four to six months for rehabilitation.

He reportedly suffered a subdural hematoma. The doctors drilled holes in his skull to drain the fluid in his brain.

"His brain was swelling and he was still under strict medical observation", said Trinidad.

According to him, Aldeguer, son of Gorres’ original patron Antonio, is contemplating to bring to the US the fallen boxer’s family if the rehabilitation will commence.

Trinidad said he had already informed Chito Salud, son of former World Boxing Council (WBC) secretary general Rudy, about what happened to Gorres. The father Salud took Gorres under his care for several years and treated the boxer, who lived at Salud’s house in La Vista, Quezon City, like a son.

"I’m worried about (the reaction of) my ninang Pampin (Rudy Salud’s wife) because she treats Butchoy like a son," Trinidad said.

"Salud’s and Gorres’ relationship started when Antonio "Bidoy" Aldeguer, Cebu’s boxing godfather, requested the former WBC top honco to take Gorres under his wings and mold him to become a world champion," added Trinidad. Salud, however, decided to let go of Gorres because of Salud’s health problem.

Gorres’ family in Cebu is expected to receive some cash from the social fund of the Philippines. The GAB is scheduled to meet to discuss the matter according to Nasser Cruz of GAB. Gorres’ medical bills are covered by insurance being licensed professional boxer.

Dionisia Protests Hotel Room Location Hell hath no fury like a mother separated from his son. ‘Why was I placed far from Manny’s room?’ asked Aling Dionisia.

This seemed to be what happened to Dionisia "Aling Dionisia" Pacquiao, who raged over a room assignment at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas she thought would give her difficulty to have instant access to her son, Manny, who prepared for a 12-round WBO welterweight fight against Miguel Angel Cotto at the MGM Grand on Saturday, Nov. 14 (Nov. 15 in the Philippines).

Aling Dionisia and her daughter, Sandra, the boxer’s elder sister, were originally booked in the 23rd floor of the main building. However, they needed to go down, walk and cross several dizzying mazes in the ground floor obstructed by slot machines to be able to reach The Hotel, Mandalay Bay’s adjacent building, where Manny is staying on the 60th floor.

Sources, said Aling Dionisia, who owns small entourage arrived in Las Vegas on November 10, personally asked Manny that she be transferred to a room near the floor where he is staying for convenience.

Members of the boxer’s family and selected friends regularly went to his posh room where foods were served on a daily basis.

Sources said Aling Dionisia was upset and wanted to know who was in charge of the room assignment.

Joe Ramos, the one allegedly in charge for room assignments, could not be immediately reached to air his side.

Ramos was reportedly one of the most trusted men of Manny and is doing multiple tasks, including the distribution of some complimentary tickets to the boxer’s selected friends.

Danny Petralba, a many-time U.S. billiards champion, and boxer Vernie Torres helped transfer her luggage in the new room located in the same building where Manny is billeted together with wife Jinky.

Petralba, Torres, and "Pacman", Manny’s dog, transferred to the room vacated by Aling Dionisia and Sandra.

Except for elder brother Dominador, who is now in Glan, Saranggani Province in Mindanao, all of Manny’s brothers – Ruel and Bobby, including his father Rosaulo, were in Las Vegas to watch the "Firepower".

Manny’s parents, estranged for many years but have already reportedly kissed and made up, stayed in different rooms. The father stayed in another room with Ruel. /MP

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