Thursday, November 19, 2009

United People’s Coalition Is Alternative Choice


"Aklan Politics" is the subject of discussion on November 14 Kapehan Sa Aklan. The discussion dispelled rumors and speculation that the political opposition is dead in Aklan. As shown by the presence of known personalities, democracy and freedom on which it stands is very much alive in this part of the Philippines.

Guests included the Garcia couple: Roberto Jr and Mabeth. They represent the United People’s Coalition Party. Mr. Tomas Vargas, represented Rosie Mayor of Altavas. Other opposition stalwarts like Atty. Adolfo Iligan (Numancia), Efren Fernandez (Kalibo), Ike Inserto (Malinao), and Nap Navarosa (Libacao) were invited but did not attend.

Atty. Denis Ausan, Election Supervisor Region 6 and Ms. Lorena Tumbagahan, Election Registrar of Kalibo were special guests.

Former Aklan Sangguniang Panlalawigan member Jun Garcia announced his plan to be a candidate for Vice Governor. Mabeth Mobo Garcia holds the chairmanship of UNO and PDP Laban political parties in Aklan. Mabeth’s failed political bid in 2007 elections, realignment of Vice Governor Billie V. Calizo – Quimpo and the formation of United Leadership Coalition bear significant influence on her decision not to aspire for any elective position in the 2010 election.

"Definitely, this is not based on personal hatred or vendetta against any known personality but an honest evaluation of our capabilities and respon-sibilities to our affiliated party," declared Ms. Garcia.

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente said, "politics is a way of life in a democratic society. It is science and art of good government". He underscored that opposition party must be considered active partners in development rather than be taken in a negative light.

Ms. Mabeth Garcia is to torch bear an alternative government that she claims "is more credible, decisive and logical to one that is autocratic and repressive." She called on all opposition leaders to be part of genuine change, a return to the basics of responsibility and transparency of governance.

On November 16 – 18, 2009, PDP Laban, UNO and PNP Coalition party strategists with the Estrada – Binay tandem conferred with Aklanon leaders to determine their best bets. The Coalition Party met at Sampaguita Gardens, New Washington on Wednesday, Nov. 18. Garcia bared arrival of ex-Sen. Ernesto Maceda, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada and Makati City Mayor Jejomar Binay. Binay signed agreements Makati Sisterhood City with Makato, Libacao, Malay, Nabas, and New Washington. A more important event was the official proclamation of candidates for various elective positions at provincial, and municipal levels even before their filing of Certificate of Candidacy (COC).

Tomas Vargas said he welcomes a United People’s Coalition in order to serve as fiscalizer in legislative body. Plans and programs must be always subjected to critical review and analysis, approved projects be distributed to all sectors regardless of political affiliation.

Mr. Johnny Dayang reminded political parties to present a party stand on critical national issues and be conversant to discuss them in a public forum. In this way, voters could make an intelligent choice among the wannabes.

Atty. Ausan bared Comelec’s ongoing program on voter’s education in the automated polls next year. He said final listing of official voters is on track while at the same time prepares to accept COC slated on November 20–30, 2009. Public demonstration on operationalizing Pecos machine will be held in every town and entertain questions on its credibility and capability. Ausan called on all political leaders, members of the media, civic, and religious organizations to be supportive and be vigilant in the campaign for honest, orderly and peaceful elections.

Our Philippine constitution is patterned after the United States that maintains a traditional two party system i.e. Democratic and Republican. Although both countries undergo basic similar electoral process, US electorates vote on a party that presents a more credible and sound program of government. Accordingly, the President and the Vice President of the US belong to the same party, united on programs and goals and motivated by selfless interest to their country and people. After the election, bitter political rivals close ranks since personalities are not involved.

In the Philippines, Filipino voters based their decision on personalities, not on sensible workable, vital programs and issues. For instance an important consideration would be placed on integrity, com-petence, and capability.

Here, only the rich and famous get elected into public office. It is difficult to imagine spending P2 billion on a presidential seat which basic salary is fixed at P75,000 per month for a six year term.

A closer look at Philippine history shows that both Macapagal and Marcos originally belonged to the Liberal Party. Macapagal was elected President in 1961. Marcos transferred to the Nacionalista Party and defeated Pres. Macapagal in his re-election bid in 1965.

Politicians in our country show no loyalty to their political platform as they create alliances or coalition with other parties before an election. This is absurd and inconsistent behavior since coalition of political parties should only occur after an election such as when minority elected head moves for a coalition government.

There is cogent reason to scrap the multi–party system to simplify the electoral process by going back to the old two party system i.e. Liberal and Nacionalista. The elimination of controversial/nuisance candidates, strengthening the two party system, and automated election will reduce election violence greatly. Clean, honest, and credible election will be attained.

It is welcomed news that Comelec will resume voters’ registration after the national and local elections next year. Fielding of Automated Fingerprint registration and Identification Cards are measures to overhaul the electoral system and improve its credibility.

Political maturity comes only when elections are free, democratic and peaceful. Let this crusade be adopted by everyone since actual winner are the people themselves. /MP

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