Sunday, December 20, 2009

Challenge In Subic Bay


Picture above shows the proclamation of Ms. Imelda Papin for Senator (3rd from left) during the 14th Press Congress held in Subic Bay Interntional Convention Center. Others in the picture (l to r) are Mr. & Ms. Juan P. Dayang, Papin, Olongapo City Mayor James Gordon, RD Araneta, and a delegate from Tawi-tawi.

"The Challenges of the Information Driven Age" is the theme of the three-day 14th National Press Congress held on Dec. 10 – 12 in Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Olongapo City.

Some 200 journalists from all over the Philippines attended the press congress. They are publishers, editors, radio/TV broadcasters, reporters, school paper editors, and publication advisers. The Press Congress was jointly sponsored by the Publishers Association of the Philippines (PAPI) and National Council for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).

In his Congress Overview, Juan P. Dayang, PAPI president, pointed to the rapid emerging "new information", technologies which are fast writing newsprint’s obituary". Dayang called upon those in the present broadcast and print industries to see how those new technologies are affecting the media industry. "The digital evaluation would not just limp along and die a natural death", Dayang pointed out.

"In his challenges of the Information – Driven Age", Dayang called upon those concerned to "squarely face and fully grasp as a huge opportunity to improve our industry, polish our journalism and expand our reach". He challenged the managers, assemblers and distri-butors of news and other valuable information to apply a digital mind set to a new set of challenges.

In the opening ceremonies, Mr. Sison, president of the Subic Bay Press Corps welcomed the delegates with Hon. James L.Gordon, Mayor of Olongpo City. In his welcome speech, city mayor Gordon related the origin of Olongapo City until what it is today. He related the contribution of his father who was assigned in Subic, got married and helped develop the Subic Naval Base and the community.

Mayor Gordon is not only an eloquent speaker, he is also a good singer. He owns a band which played and entertained the participants at lunch times. It played classical and modern songs to the delight of the participants.

Proclamation No. 1959

Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo requested Press Undersecretary Butch Hunia to deliver her keynote speech. Arroyo assured, Proclamation 1959 is area specific and is imposed for only a short time. (It was lifted at 9:00 o’clock in the evening, Saturday, December 12). It was issued to enable the law enforcers to swiftly and comprehensively put down a planned rebellion by private armies of local warlords in Maguindanao.

Arroyo, in her prepared speech, paid tribute to the community press, "the fearless men and women who have made it their mission to deliver to the nation the truth about their communities. "She cited, as finer examples the courage and sacrifices of the community press that the men and women who were murdered in Maguindanao on Nov. 23.

"Press freedom is an essential requisite of a free and civilized society aspiring for development", Arroyo pointed out. "It is among the rights that are explicitly enshrined in our fundamental law", she added.

Communication Trends & Prospects

Professor Chichi Robles–Fajardo of the Ateneo de Manila University spoke on the "Media Communication Education–Trends and Prospects". According to her, communication schools in the Philippines are increasing. It has reached 250, but some schools need to upgrade their standards as to faculty, library and equipment such as camera and computers.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has approved a new curriculum for com-munication, but the process of implementation is not as fast to cope up with the need of the course. Also, internship guidelines will be implemented in all schools offering communication courses. The guideline in the conduct of teaching research and thesis writing will be issued by CHED.

Fajardo revealed the project of CHED to develop colleges as Centers for Excellence and Development which must develop parallel knowledge and skills of communication teachers. There is awareness and enthusiasm with the academe and media to conduct dialogue aimed to produce graduates with proper attitude, knowledge and skills in communication jobs.

Sad Story

Mr. Quintin Pastrana of EQ Designs Corporation revealed the sad stories to the community journalists and publishers. Although he gave "Advertising Tips", the revelations are things of serious concern to provincial media.

According to Pastrana, the total revenue in 2008 from commercial advertisement reached P160 billion. Of this amount, P123 billion was cornered by television, or 77 percent, radio got P25.6 billion or 16 percent, while only P11 billion or 7 percent was the share of print. Moreover, the big bulk of that money was paid to media outfits in Metro Manila.

This information is frustrating to community and provincial media as media income is so advantageous for "imperial Manila".

Mr. Rey Langit of DWIZ related to the participants his un-forgettable moments in radio. He related his experience from the time he applied for the job, his promotions and his exciting interviews with heads of starts like US President Barack Obama, and Deng Shiao Peng of the Peoples Republic of China.

Good Governance and Climate Change

The second day of the Press Congress started with Albay Governor Joey S. Salceda who talked on "Good Governance, Climate change, and Surviving Natural Disasters". He was followed by Publisher Isagani Yambot of the Philippine Daily Inquirer who spoke on the "Journalists as Key Stakeholders In Socio-Political Reforms".

Atty. Romulo Macalintal, a famous election lawyer assigned almost all the faults to the Commission on Elections for its failure to act promptly on problems the people brought to the Comelec office. In his "Dynamics of the 2010 Elections", Macalintal blamed the Comelec of what happened in Isabela and Bulacan.

Dr. Benedicto D. Dorado, an environ-mentalist and a medical director discussed the results of a 10 year environmental study in Metro Manila.

The second day of the Press Congress was punctuated with the songs of Imelda Papin, Asia’s sentimental songsters and a candidate for Senator in the 2010 elections.

Political Forum

The third day was devoted to political forum. It started with a "Memorial Mass For Maguindanao Massacre Victims " held in the Subic Bay International Convention Center.

The first group was composed of presi-dentiables among whom are Senator Richard Gordon, Felix Cabrera Cantal, and John Delos Reyes. They talked about their program of govern-ment, philosophies and interest for the Filipinos.

The second group consisted of senatoriables who are Risa Hontiveros Baraquel, Neric Acosta, Ruffy Biazon, Sonia Roco, Juan Bulilan and Lito David. Each of them talked for five minutes about their capabilities, track records and legislative agenda if elected. Questions and answers followed.
On the whole, the 14th Press Congress enabled the participants to meet new friends and renew the old, learned new trends, prospects, and issues in media. It has broadened perspective and developed further social grace. /MP

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