Sunday, December 06, 2009


Is Ms. Arroyo Satisfied? Happy?
Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s quest to become Congresswoman of the Second District of Pampanga is now a reality. However, will she be elected congresswoman on the May 10, 2010 election?

Ms. Arroyo was DTI Undersecretary, Senator, Vice President and President of the Philippines for more than nine (9) years. But she is not yet a congresswoman. Is she following the footsteps of Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao who has seven (7) world titles in boxing? Does she want to serve the three branches of government? She has served the legislative branch and the executive branch as Under-secretary, Senator, Vice President, and President.

While the Pacman is champion of seven world boxing titles in seven different weight divisions, Ms. Arroyo is going down from the highest government position to a lower position.

Pacman started from the lighter weight division and won seven champion-ships gradually increasing his weight. He never reduced weight, returned back, but advanced.

What is the motivation of Ms. Arroyo in stepping down to campaign to occupy a lower government position? She is defying Abram Maslow’s Theory of Motivation where a person becomes ready to face his/her Creator after he/she is fulfilled.

Is Ms. Arroyo fulfilled? It seems she is not after staying in Malacañang for more than nine years as President. She is still looking for employ-ment. Before her stay in Malacañang as a mother, she stayed in Malacañang in 1961 – 1965 when her father was the president.

Ms. Arroyo is not yet fulfilled. She has already attained all the hierarchy of needs if to gauge by using Maslow’s theory of motivation. To many Filipinos, she is fulfilled having been elected to the highest office of the nation and is still there since 2001. She has all the wealth. Name it, her family has it.

But money dissatisfies. No matter how huge of money a person possesses, he/she craves for more. He/she worries if he/she fails to acquire more.

Does Ms. Arroyo belong to this with tremendous wealth? The best motivator and which brings happiness is "satisfaction" to one’s work and accomplish-ment. Satisfaction means happiness. Is Ms. Arroyo dissatisfied with her job and accomplishment that she wishes to get another job? Perhaps, she is not satisfied that she wants to continue working at a lower position after the expiration of her questionable election to the presidency on June 30, 2010.

She is not. How can she be happy with her administration loaded with scandals? The most recent is the "Maguindanao Massacre". How about the "Hello Garci" tape? NBN ZTE Broadband Deal? The Fertilizer Scam?

A priest in Lubao, Pampanga likened Ms. Arroyo to Jesus Christ for "coming down to serve". But Jesus Christ is God. Is she God too? Jesus Christ did no scandal but miracles. Did she have miracles? Yes, Hello Garci, Fertilizer Scam, NBN ZTE Broadband Deal among others.

Electing Ms. Arroyo Congresswoman is a disservice to the Filipino and to her. She must not be assigned another job. She must rest and enjoy the remaining time of her life upon this earth. Electing her Congresswoman will bring more problems to the Philippines and the Pilipinos. Let her rest, enjoy life and there will be peace. Her presence in the House of Representatives will further divide the Pilipino people. /MP

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