Sunday, December 27, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Igoy Walks An Extra Mile
I sincerely thank heartily Hon. and Mrs. Wilbert Ariel Igoy for conducting me from Kalibo Airport at 1:00 o’clock dawn on Monday, Dec. 14 to my house in Badio, Numancia, Aklan. It was a very excellent "service above self" of a couple for their friend. It was a very exceptional show of assistance of a couple to a fellowman.

It was 9:00 o’clock in the evening, Sunday, December 13. After I entered the Manila Domestic Airport in Pasay City, I met the couple inside the airport terminal room waiting for their flight to Kalibo scheduled at 11:00 o’clock that night. It happened that Zest Air plane which they will ride was also the plane I will ride. But the departure was delayed for 45 minutes. Instead, the plane departed shortly before midnight.

Meanwhile, our conversation continued while awaiting for the plane departure. Atty. Igoy asked me if there is someone who will meet me at Kalibo Airport. I told him, Mrs. Villorente will meet me. But how nice! Atty. Igoy requested me to text Mrs. Villorente not to go to the Kalibo Airport. He offered me to ride with them. "But our house is out of the way", I told him. But he insisted "it does not matter". I welcomed the offer.

I thought they were going home to Malinao via Numancia and they can conduct me home about one kilometer from Poblacion, Numancia.

But no, they have a house in Kalibo. And from the Kalibo Airport at about 1:00 o’clock dawn, Monday, December 14, with Atty. Igoy, Mrs. Igoy and his driver in a van drove to Badio, Numancia to conduct me home. Atty. and Mrs. Wilbert Ariel Igoy, I cannot forget that extra service you gave me in the middle of the night. Thank you very much. My lovely wife, Dr. Florencia Fernandez Villorente equally thanks you for the extra service. You saved her from night driving.

Atty. Wilbert Ariel Igoy is currently a member of the Sang-guniang Bayan of Malinao. He represents the Aklan Councilors League to the Sangguniang Panlala-wigan of Aklan.

In the May 10, 2010 election, Atty. Igoy is a candidate for Mayor of Malinao.

Madalag - Banga Bridge

Two weeks ago, today, Aklan Gov. Carlito S. Marquez and other Aklan top officials held the ground breaking of the proposed construction of a bridge that will travers the Aklan river and will connect Banga to Madalag.

This is a much awaited project designed to spur economic development in that part of Aklan. Madalag has fertile soil and the climate is well suited for orchard production such as Durian and Lanzones. There are also livestocks which can be transported to the lowland and fattened to improve its meat quality before slaughtering.

Madalag is also abundant of water resources which could be developed into power generating plants to produce cheaper electricity. The excess water could be used to irrigate rice, fruits, and vegetable crops.

The completion of the said bridge will also hasten the improvement of the Banga-Libacao road. As the volume of traffic will greatly increase thereby benefiting the people of Libacao. If not cemented, maybe asphalted the least Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores can do to make a difference in the lives of the Aklanons specifically Banganhons, Madalagnons, and Libacao-nons. Transport of products and travel of people are made easier with improved communication system.


In view of the Christmas and New Year holiday season, Kapehan Sa Aklan will be suspended until January 9, 2010. Merry Christmas! /MP

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