Sunday, December 27, 2009

LP Rebukes Comelec for Unseating Isabela Gov. Grace Padaca

Liberal Party officials last week slammed the Commission on Elections (Comelec) for allowing itself to be used by the Arroyo government for its "vendetta" politics against local executives who have allied themselves with the opposition.

"What is at stake here is the credibility of the Comelec and the 2010 elections. Why did Comelec officials allow their institution to be used by MalacaƱang for its bullying tactics against its critics?" asked LP President Sen. Mar Roxas.

"The electoral protest against Gov. Grace Padaca was suddenly revived after she allied herself with the Liberal Party. This is obviously a harassment scheme," Roxas believed.

Roxas said the ruling of the Comelec 2nd division would allow MalacaƱang to regain control of Isabela and prevent its imminent defeat in next year’s polls. Roxas noted that the same poll body division ruled similarly in the electoral protest lodged against incumbent Bulacan Gov. Jon-Jon Mendoza.
"This administration will stop at nothing to stay in power. It will do anything and everything to get back its bailiwicks. The Arroyo administration is applying all foul means to prevent its impending defeat in 2010," Roxas lamented.

He added, however, he would forge on and pursue its fight for reforms and good governance. "The LP will not allow this vendetta politics to reign in our country. We must make sure that the ‘Islands of Hope’ that our local allies have started are not put to naught by this greedy administration. We will impede these blitzkrieg operations against our local allies," Roxas vowed./MP

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