Sunday, December 06, 2009

Pauper’s Pay for LGU Councilmen

On the basis of Executive Order No. 811 of Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dated June 17, 2009, the first trance of the modified salary schedule for local government personnel shall take effect on January 1, 2010. The upgraded base pay covers civilian and uniformed personnel in the government service as well as the modified classification system pursuant to Senate and House of Representatives’ joint Resolution No. 4, Series of 2009.

For Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCO’s), Government Financial Institutional (GFI’s) and Local Government Units (LGU’s), the implemen-tation period shall be in four equal yearly trances but in no case extend beyond four years.

The adjusted salary rates for LGU personnel shall be determined by the Sanggunian on the basis of LGU income class and financial capability. The base pay reference is July 1, 2008 issued by Department of Budget and Management.

Starting next year, first class municipalities like Kalibo and Malay are expected to standardize/upgrade the salaries of their personnel equivalent to 90 percent of existing base pay in 2008. For 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th class towns, it shall be 85, 80, 75 and 70 percent respectively.

The current base pay of salary grade 24 or P22,676.00 per month given to SB members of first class towns could be considered pauper’s income when compared to National Statistics Office poverty threshold level of P15,000. It should be underscored that standard deductions like GSIS, Pag-ibig, private insurance and all others, plus playing godfather to charities, sports, souvenir programs and indigent individuals take a sizeable sum.

Ms. Nanie A. Roldan, Municipal Budget Officer of Kalibo says that the monthly salary of Rural Health Physician and Municipal Secretary although having the same salary grade as SB members are actually receiving higher com-pensation. The reason is that career employees enjoy incremental benefits compared to politicians. They should however, possess high performance ratings and certification as to the availability of fund. Physicians even have the cutting edge since they are covered by Magna Carta for Doctors.

Apparently, financial dilemma faced by members of the legislative branch have been anticipated by the Local Government Code (RA 7160) that allows the practice of profession whether in medicine, legal, business, teaching or technical job. The nagging problem however remains controversial as to its appropriateness since the mission of public service is seriously jeopardized, the legislative output of substandard quality.

For instance, pub-lications in leading weekly tabloids here in Aklan and other places show run of the mill types on environment and tourism laws rather than crafting a legislation that is location and target–specific. The bottom line is to focus on our particular problem, need and interest. It is not simply swallow "hook, line, and sinker" the ordinance ratified in other places. The truth is, there is no in-depth analysis or consultation from local stakeholders and weighing of the impact of proposed legislation to the immediate or distant future.

Dr. Nilda B. Tambong, Vice Mayor of Kalibo and Outstanding Aklanon during the Kapehan forum in March 2009 mentioned that she deftly divides her time between her parental duties as mother, wife and physician, and Vice Mayor and SB Presiding Officer. She says it’s a matter of time management considering the high stakes involved in crafting legislation, presiding over council sessions, committee hearings and promoting general goodwill.

While this may be true for Dr. Tambong, to do multiple tasks and still be credible, obviously, a great majority will be unable to combine private business and politics. In this pre-election campaign, it is suggested that official candidates must publicly sign a statement divesting themselves of their private interests, businesses, and the practice of profession and rather concentrate on politics which is the art and science of good govern-ment. E.O. 811 is expected to be implemented next year with excellent financial guarantees during their term of office.

There is high public expectation from members of LGU councilmen to fully discharge their official functions. It is important that they be concentrated on their assigned task as Committee Chairpersons/Members. Their corres-ponding remuneration and fringe benefits must be secured to increase their effectiveness and self-esteem. Implementation of E.O. No. 811 starts at the earliest time possible. The biblical injunction "No one can serve two masters; either he will hate or will love the other" can be more appropriate in these trying times. /MP

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