Sunday, December 27, 2009

WVRAA-Aklan, A Haphazard Planning?

The Proverbial clock is ticking for the West Visayas Regional Athletic Association Meet scheduled on February 21-26, 2010 at the Calangcang Sports Complex in Makato. Significance is that Aklan has last hosted WVRAA in 1995. Since that year, it will host again the sportsfest participated in by six provinces of Iloilo, Negros Occ., Guimaras, Antique, Capiz and Aklan.

Weekly Kapehan on December 19, 2009 had the topic on "West Visayas Regional Athletic Meet" to know the preparation being done by concerned officials of sports facilities and the competing athletes. Everyone knows that the plan to host the Regional meet was aborted due to abysmal failure to build the proposed infra in due time.

Panelist was Ms. Mary Ann A. Lopez, Education Supervisor, DepEd in behalf of Dr. Laroza. Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente, President, Aklan Press Club, Inc. assisted her.

Dr. Villorente noted that nations who are excelling in sports are also progressive in their socio-economic life. Interest in sports could be traced to 8th century Greece where athletes outperformed each other in several matches proving their physical prowess, speed, endurance, agility, and strength. Greek philosophers believe this is necessary to promote health hence better prepared in times of war and peaceful economic pursuits. Alexander the Great was a product of the former ideology.

Modern day sports are governed by international rules, the passion not limited to youth but also adults like Paeng Nepomuceno (bowling) and Efren "Bata" Reyes (billiard).

Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino said that several Aklanons have recently excelled in sports like track star Merlie Teodosio, Mira T. Mirano – chess, Maki Delfin – boxing, and Winnie Arboleda – basketball. Old track star Olympian is Pedro A. Yatar of Malinao.

Ms. Lopez revealed that engineering work on the Calangcang Sports Complex is on schedule. Oval track will be coated with asphalt and rubberized. Swimming pool maybe completed at the end of December 2009. Two bleachers, one facing the oval track and another facing the Olympic size swimming pool are scheduled to be finished in January. A designated room for working journalists and their communication equipments will be provided.

Aklan has recently improved its athletic standing in overall performance from 6th to 3rd place according to Ms. Lopez. Amazing feat could be due to rigorous training program, series of games elimination and packages of incentives given to players.
Lopez bared accommodation of different delegations namely: Antique delegates to be hosted by Makato; Guimaras, Lezo; Negross Occidental, Numancia; Iloilo, Kalibo Elem. School I and II; Capiz, Aklan Catholic College High School; and Aklan National High School for Arts and Trades, Andagao.

Taekwondo will be held in Lezo; Sepak Takraw and Chess – Provincial Training Center, Old Buswang; Arnis – NVC Gym; Gymnastics – Aklan Catholic College Gym; Volleyball (Elem.) St. Gabriel College, Old Buswang; Lawn Tennis – Capitol Grounds; and Badminton – Manolita Acevedo Compound, New Buswang, Kalibo.

Field events at Calangcang will be basketball, track and field, volleyball (secondary), sepak takraw, swimming and football (Elem. and Secondary).

The opening day will be at Calangcang Sports Complex followed by fellowship night at ABL Sports Complex, Kalibo Cultural contest falls on the second day of the games and will feature search for Mr. and Ms. Palaro.

Aklan province will provide free transportation to all official guests only on the first day. However, technical officials will be fetched from their quarters to their respective game assignments. Police and security personnel are expected to be on heightened alert for the entire duration of the sport events.

Gov. Carlito S. Marquez is unaware of Executive Order No. 64 that mandates for the creation of Provincial School Sports Council. This is headed by Schools Division Superintendent as Chairman, Governor is Vice Chair while all municipal Mayors are members.

Obviously, financial difficulties are faced by coaches and trainers when funds are inadequate or released late. Technically, we have outstanding athletes and potential gold medalists. The problem lies with the adequacy of equipment and the procrastination to hone one’s talent.

Sports analyst eyes the following sporting events promising for Aklan athletes: they are swimming, volleyball (boys), chess, taekwondo, badminton, sepak takraw, and boxing. Raring to go but until now, athletes haven’t issued their playing equipment, mobilization fund yet to be bolstered by coaches on a caroling streak. Turning to the physical infra taking shape at Calangcang Sports complex, at this time (Dec. 22) barely 60 percent of the work has been done. Oval ground is newly asphalted, main bleacher/grandstand is 45 percent complete while bleacher of swimming pool is just a steel skeleton.

According to the foreman, they are hampered by frequent rain showers and obvious shortage of transit concrete mixers and dump trucks. The one month on site training of local athletes at Calangcang will just be called off considering heavy load schedule of contractual laborers and passing heavy equipment. At least newly planted carabao grass inside the oval track must not be disturbed for the next eight weeks in order to establish itself. Meanwhile, swim-ming pool couldn’t be finished until second week of January 2010.

Aklanons await with baited breath whether the Iloilo – based contractor could make good its promise to finish the sports facility before February 21, 2010. Otherwise this is a P45 million question and another looming fiasco that is often the result of haphazard planning. Remember retired District DPWH Engineer Marcial Arac’s slogan to success? Internalize the 4 P’s namely: Planning prevents poor performance. He is do damn right. /MP

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