Sunday, January 10, 2010

Aquino-Roxas Tandem Tops Three Polls Surveys In December, Team To Beat In 2010

The Liberal Party tandem of Senator Benigno S. Aquino III and Senator Mar Roxas remains the team for President and Vice-President to beat in the May 2010 national elections, as shown by three pre-electoral surveys by reputable pollsters.

 The latest survey published by the Manila Standard Today confirmed that Aquino and Roxas continue to lead their rivals in the hearts and minds of Filipino voters.

 According to pollster Pedro Laylo Jr.’s survey of 2,500 respondents nation-wide from December 6-10, Aquino was chosen by 46 percent of voters as the candidate they will vote for as President if elections were held at the time of the survey. While Roxas was chosen by 41 percent of the voters as the candidate they will vote for as Vice-President.

 This gives Aquino and Roxas commanding lead over their rivals, despite the latter spending heavily on "infomercials." This is also confirmed by two other surveys in December of Filipino voters’ presidential and vice-presidential preferences by Social Weather Stations and Pulse Asia.

 In the SWS’ December 5-10, 2009 survey for Business World, 46 percent of voters also chose Aquino as the candidate they will vote for President while 41 percent chose Roxas as the candidate they will vote for as Vice-President.

 In the Pulse Asia survey from December 8-10,  45 percent of voters chose Aquino for President and 39 percent chose Roxas for Vice-President.
"I am very happy that our kababayans give full support to the reforms that Noynoy and I advocate. Our resolve to pursue our fight for clean, honest and straight governance in our country strengthens further," said Roxas.

 "But this fight is not just about me, Noynoy or the Liberal Party. For this is about the thirst of all Filipinos for real, transformative change," he stressed.

 In the MST/Laylo survey, Aquino’s 46 percent was followed far behind by Senator Manuel Villar (27 percent), former President Joseph Estrada (17 percent), former Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro (5 percent), religious leader Eddie Villanueva (2 percent) and Senator Richard Gordon (1 percent).

 For Vice-President, Roxas’ 41 percent was followed by 37 percent for Senator Loren Legarda, 9 percent for Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay, 3 percent for actor Edu Manzano, 2 percent for ex-MMDA Chair Bayani Fernando and 1 percent for ex-SEC Chair Perfecto Yasay Jr.

The MST/Laylo survey also showed that a plurality of voters or 45 percent said it is "very important" to vote for the candidate for President and Vice-President from the same ticket while 25 percent said it is "important," indicating that up to 70 percent of voters would vote for the President and Vice-President from the same ticket if elections were held at the time of the survey. /MP


  1. I'm happy with these developments. Hope they could still maintain this. Keep low and always be down to earth persons.

  2. Still routing for Villar-Legarda as President and Vice-President on the upcoming elections.

  3. It's still too far in the elections, and like they said, madami pa pwede mangyari. But I believe Loren is one with the Filipino masses, and she will overtake Mar in the VP race. Good luck to Sen. Legarda!!
