Sunday, January 10, 2010

Puno Inaugurates RTC Building Launches e-JOW

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Reynato S. Puno (center) answering question from the dialogue participant after the inauguration of the Godofredo P. Ramos Hall of Justice Building. With him are other top officials of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.

Hon. Reynato S. Puno, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines presides the Inauguration of Regional Trial Court of Aklan or the Godofredo P. Ramos Hall of Justice Building and the launching of the Enhanced Justice on Wheels (e-JOW) program.

The ceremonies are held on Friday, January 8, this week at the Capitol Site, Estancia, Kalibo.

The ceremonies started at 9:00 o’clock in the morning with the Invocation led by Ms. Victoria M. Ramos Antonino, daughter of the late Justice Godofredo P. Ramos for whom the RTC building is named in his honor. The Aklan Regional Trial Court Choir sang the Philippine National Anthem and the Supreme Court Hymn.

Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno unveiled the marker and led in the ceremonial cutting of ribbon for the Hall of Justice (HOJ) with Hon. Mariano C. Del Castillo – Associate Justice; Hon. Nimfa C. Vilches – Deputy Court Administrator; Hon. Jose Midas P. Marquez – Deputy Court Adminis-trator; and Hon. Ma. Luisa D. Villarama – Clerk of Court all of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.

Hon. Marietta J. Homena–Valencia, Executive Judge – RTC Kalibo; Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores; Vice Governor Gabrielle V. Calizo-Quimpo; and Hon. Jose S. Tumbokon – former Assemblyman of Aklan join in the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Aklan Governor Carlito S. Marquez welcomes Chief Justice Puno and his party, guests, visitors, and the members of the media.

Hon. Nelson J. Bartolome – presiding judge, RTC Kalibo introduced the guest of honor, Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno. After his inspirational message, Hon. Puno turned over the key of the newly reconstructed hall of justice to Hon. Marietta J. Homena–Valencia with Atty. Arnaldo C. Tejada, Jr.

After the turn over ceremonies of the newly reconstructed Hall of Justice Bldg., the launching of the Enhanced Justice on Wheels (e-JOW) program followed with Chief Justice Puno, Cong. Miraflores, and Gov. Marquez cutting the ceremonial ribbon.

The ceremonies done, Executive Judge Marietta J. Homena–Valencia gives her closing remarks.

A dialogue with Chief Justice Puno is held with the participation of the judges, prosecutors, PAO lawyers, IBP members, law students, and the members of the Aklan tri-media. Atty. Ryan C. Cawaling – Clerk of Court V serves as the master of ceremonies. /MP

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