Sunday, February 28, 2010

Brave, Snappy MAP of Malay

by Eric Laserna

Emerson F. Taunan

All passersby, both foreign and local tourists are attracted by this man who is wearing rings in all of his fingers. He wears over all upper black uniform combined with black maong pants. He carries big medallion at his chest. He braves all kinds of weather by night and day, stands by the middle of the street poured by rain. Sometimes, he baths in the intense heat of the sun. He directs the flow of traffic at the very busy street in Brgy. Caticlan, a jump off point going to Boracay, Malay, paving away traffic violators for a smooth flow of vehicles around the busy Jetty Port of Caticlan.

At the first glimpse, you can say that this Municipal Auxiliary Police (MAP) is a Mexican cowboy but, lo, he is Emerson Flores Taunan, a brave, snappy Chief of Municipal Auxiliary Police of Malay, Aklan. His group is responsible for the implementation of Malay Sea and Land Ordinance.
During my first encounter with Emerson sometimes in 2008, we have a heated argument over my car which I parked in front of Andok’s Restaurant in Caticlan. I thought he was a cop with his uniform printed with a big letter "POLICE". I was not able to read the word "Auxiliary" because it was partly covered with his sleeveless black jacket. We almost figured in a brawling fight if not for the intervention of my friend who happened to be his uncle, Emerson’s godfather. He introduced Emerson to me. That was the start when I found myself curious about the personality of Emerson.

He was a Civilian Home Defense Force (CHDF) member of Malay who fought leftist rebels alongside with the Philippine Constabulary in the late 1980’s. When the CHDF was dissolved, he joined the Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) in the early 1990 as was assigned in Malay and Buruanga, the stronghold of the New People’s Army. He was chosen as the sharpshooter of their 6th CAA CAFGU Batch and elected as their overall president in the municipalities of Nabas, Malay, and Buruanga.

Emerson, being the eldest sibling of Mr. Gemeniano F. Taunan, former Municipal Treasurer of Malay and Fausta Flores Taunan, is a passer of NAPOLCOM examination. But did not pursue his ambition to be a policeman. Instead, he trained with the Philippine Marines, but went AWOL for unknown reason. He was and eventually dismissed from the service. With his experience and training in the Marines, he served as bodyguard of high ranking police and military officials for several times.

It was in 1987 in Caticlan, Malay, Aklan when he save the life of Lt. Audie E. Arroyo, Chief of Police of Malay (now a PSSUPT Audie Arroyo) from an assassin. If not for Emerson’s quick response the said police officer should have been gunned down by a killer. It was also in 1987 when Emerson accomplished big. He single handedly arrested an Italian tourist named Fernando Alissandria in Boracay who attempted to smuggle in a 700 kilograms of Marijuana (Expat Philippines, Newspaper).

When asked by this writer if what is his biggest achievement in his life, he just smiled and said, "a child". When asked again of what he wants in his life, he only smiled and said, "a loving wife and a little wine every night".

I consider Emerson as a pretty boy who never gives up. Handsome as he is, he is a deadly guy who never surrender to the battle of life. /MP

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