Sunday, February 21, 2010

Explain Villarroyo – Ampatuan Alliance

Nacionalista presidential candidate Sen. Manuel Villar should explain his alliance with the Ampatuan family of Maguindanao. The Ampatuan family is accused of master-minding the massacre of 57 innocent civilians, including the 32 journalists.
"It is about time that Villar speaks up about his reported meeting with former ARMM Gov. Andal Ampatuan Sr. and ARMM Gov. Zaldy Ampatuan a day before the repulsive killing took place," said LP Director General Chito Gascon.
Buluan Vice Mayor Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu had alleged that Villar even slept in the Ampatuans’ mansion on the eve of the Maguindanao massacre.
Gascon insisted Villar should break his silence and explain to the people why he had aligned himself and the Nacionalista Party with the Ampatuans who are known supporters of Ms. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
"He has done nothing but remaining quiet. This controversy has shown the voters what kind of politician and leader Villar is," Gascon said.
"The Villar-Ampatuan alliance proves the "grand" coalition between VILLARROYO - Villar and Ms. Arroyo, a partnership formed to steal the victory from reform advocates Senators Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III and Mar Roxas, the standard bearers of the Liberal Party," he added.
Reports indicated Ms. Arroyo’s husband, First Gentleman Mike Arroyo, met with Villar in the house of former Cabinet member Mike Defensor to seal an agreement to make Ms. Arroyo the new Speaker of the House of Representatives under a Villar presidency. /MP

1 comment:

  1. pathetic the extent na paninira. shows lack of pride, lack of honor, and lack of pagiging Pilipino.
