Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pacquiao’s Victory for the Filipino

The days draw near. Pretty soon the Pacquiao – Clottey fight will take its toll. For most of the Filipinos, it is with great excitement, pride and without a shadow of doubt, "It’s gonna be Manny". I can’t wait for the fight.

Remembering Pacquiao’s victorious fights, Manny won it in amazingly calm manner. What a great performances! Those powerful punches that seemed instinctual but of course, a result of experiences, tedious training he painstakingly does as a professional fighter, talent and power.

Who won’t be proud to be a Filipino? The Philippines is a peaceful country and Filipinos are patient people. In every Pacquiao fight, Filipinos are waiting, shouting, cheering, as our boxing hero from General Santos City exchanging punches with his opponent. He delivers more and receives lesser. And when the challenger fell, the whole nation rejoices.

The boxing events that ended prematurely were spectacles that will forever remain etched in the memories of every Filipino glued on their television screens whether in their homes or in an improvised big screen at the park. Notwithstanding the commercials that ran longer than the main event itself.

What’s really significant in every Pacquiao’s victory, it at least unified our country. But sad to say, things went back automatically to how it used to be after every fight. People disunited, unsatiable and impatient with a government that is so insensitive and acting blindly to the miserable plight of the Filipinos.

The fight scene are played and even replayed over televisions until Manny would almost occupy the primetime news slot for weeks. Politicians are flocking around him in an attempt to take advantage of the media exposure basking in the glory of the champion boxer. After all, election is not too far away.

In the Province of Aklan, as in the rest of the world, the same historic scene was staged. Like all other fights that Pacquiao won, the Aklanons rejoiced because his victory serves as hope and inspiration, a confirmation that we are competitive and world class. That a great burning desires to conquer the world though is not easy but is possible.

Pacquiao’c victories make every Filipino rekindles the love and pride for the Philippines who are gradually deserting us. Victories also make us proud of our race as God-fearing but fearless, family oriented, and peace loving people.

Manny Pacquiao portrays the Filipino sense of loyalty and love of country. Pacquiao’s fights momentarily stops our busy lifestyle, postpones political bickerings, empties police blotter records, solves traffic problem, and causes the economy to surge for a few points.

If only Manny Pacquiao’s fight is staged everyday, Filipinos will realize that we are one nation worth fighting for. If only the Filipinos will understand that we don’t need to be a fighter like Manny Pacquiao to make a difference and change our country for the better the best way we know how. /MP

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