Sunday, February 07, 2010

Reason and Concern

by Ronquillo C. Tolentino
Aklan Jayceeism In Retrospect
A province wide state of calamity in Aklan wrought about by a tropical depression in August 1973 moved a group of youthful professionals to form themselves a salvation team to answer the call  of the flood victims of the province.

The acts of the young professionals took the people’s admiration. The stirrings for leadership training and deep involvement in social action did not end with their participation in the rehabilitation of Aklan as a consequence of the tropical depression’s devastations. Inspired by the obsession to develop themselves by helping develop the community where they live, the Aklan "Kalantiao" Jaycees was born.

 Organized by a young UP College of Law graduate and former Aklan Cong. Allen Salas Quimpo, then on his second year of law practice after passing the l970 Bar Examinations, a series of meetings were held in the month of October 1973 cul-minating in the  birth of the  Aklan Jaycees. But it was not until Sept. 8, l974 when the Aklan Jaycees had their charter presentation and induction of officers held at the Hotel Ati-Atihan at Buswang Old, Kalibo, Aklan.

 Inducted charter officers and directors were Allen S. Quimpo, president; Amado I Kimpo, Jr. executive vice president,  Gil C. Acevedo, secretary, Roberto I. Acevedo, treasurer, Edito L.  Balbastro, auditor, Selmar S. Maribojo, P.R.O. and Roy Y.  Martelino, legal counsel. Inducted charter directors were  Ramonito L. Balbastro, Emiliano S. Acevedo, Franklin A. Pastrana,  Rafael Solidum,  Jose M. Taningco, Jr., Victor L.  Balbastro. Rustico Meñez, Jose Magallanes, Jr., and Federico Ibabao, II.

The charter members of Aklan Jaycees are Daniel Y. Martelino, Orville  L. Gabuna, Eugenio L. Mirto, Ronquillo C. Tolentino, Rey S. Quimpo, Desposorio P. Maagma Jr. Jose Loresco. Dionesio Q. Laserna, Roberto Quimpo, Jose Magnabijon, Manuel F. Ang, Reynaldo Sarabia, Landelino B. Meñez, Roberto C. Regalado, Salvador Mabasa, Tony Ang, and Ramon C. Venus.

 The Aklan Jaycees suffered organization birth pains that certain people predicted its early demise. But the pioneers of Jayceeism in Aklan proved them wrong.

 Since its inception, the Aklan "Kalantiao" Jaycees had been in the forefront of various activities that include environmental concerns, human rights, economic and community development, leadership training, civic endeavors, organization management participation. The Aklan "Kalantiao Jaycees is a recipient of various awards from the Western Visayas Jaycees, National Jaycee (JCP) and Jaycee International (JCI).

 The Charter president and past presidents who served the Aklan "Kalantiao" Jaycees are the following: Atty. Allen S. Quimpo, Charter President; Dr. Armado I Kimpo, 1976; Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, 1977; Selmar S Maribojo,1978; Jose M. Taningco, Jr., 1979; Atty. Santiago R. Regalado, 1980; Roberto I. Acevedo, 1981; Samuel F. Fernandez, 1982; Gil C. Acevedo, 1983; Ramon C. Venus, 1984; Wayne T. Malilay, 1985; Valtimor D. Conanan, 1986; Renato L. Mirto, 1987; Placido M. Tolentino, 1988; Peter I. Kimpo, 1989; Ramon L. Villariza, 1990. Rene Rey M. Martelino, 1991; Engr. Marlon Julius E. Lao, 1992; Ms. Maria Jessie P. Rapiz, 1993; Dr. Arthur A. Salido, 1994; Atty. Emmanuel L. Sodusta, 1995; Jesse S.  Quimpo, 1996;  Archt. Jose Rey M. Arada, 1997;  Antero R. Arboleda, 1998, Atty. Edgar S. Calizo, 1999, Gerick M. Templonuevo, 2000, Kirby L. Villanueva, 2001, Gerwin L. Garcia, 2002, Engr. Carmelo F. Orbista, 2003, Ms. Theresa L. Salido-Templonuevo, 2004, Ivan Luvic G. Idala, 2005. /MP

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