Sunday, February 28, 2010

Villar-Bolante Coalition In Capiz Shows Dark Side of NP Campaign

The coalition between NP bet Manny Villar and alleged fertilizer fund scam mastermind Jocjoc Bolante in Capiz clearly shows the transactional nature of the billionaire-politician’s campaign to win the presidency, Rep. Jun Abaya of Cavite and LP secretary general said this week.

"The denials that this coalition only applies to the level of the mayors is pure garbage. I don’t think the people will fall for this slimy excuse," Abaya said.

"This reveals the dark side of a campaign that does not hesitate to spend over a billion pesos for advertising alone. What deals have been cut with people like Bolante, only God and Sen. Villar know," Abaya said.

The LP leader was responding to the declaration of open support made by Bolante’s Ugyon Kita Capiz (Unite Capiz) during a meeting with Villar in Balete, Aklan where the NP bet had a campaign sortie. (Villar was in Aklan last week.)

Bolante is running for Capiz governor under the Ugyon banner against incumbent reelectionist Governor Victor Tanco Sr., who is running under the LP banner.

Villar has denied talking to Bolante and even suggested that the former agriculture undersecretary may not support him.

"Does Sen. Villar really think that he and Bolante can fool the people all the time? I shudder to think what excuses he will make to keep the truth from seeing the light of day if he becomes president," Abaya said.

Bolante was accused of diverting some P728 million in so-called fertilizer funds that were supposed to benefit poor farmers but went instead to local government officials who were suspected of using the funds to back the reelection bid of Ms. Arroyo in the 2004 presidential elections. He is never formally charged in court. /MP

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