Thursday, March 18, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Congratulations to the Municipality of Nabas under the leadership of Mayor Romeo M. Dalisay for representing the Province of Aklan to the "One Visayan, One People, One Destiny "sadsad" festival. The affair was held in Roxas City on March 11, 2010.
With 47 dancers and drummers from Barangay Buenasuerte, Nabas known as "Tribu Banggoy", they were highly applauded during their performance in Villareal Stadium. These performers were the winners during the "Bariw" festival last May 2009 during the religious fiesta in honor of their Patron St. Isidore, the Worker.

Madyaas Pen likewise salutes and sincerely congratulates the town of Numancia for bringing home the National Award as "Best OTOP Implementor". OTOP means one town one product, a government project under the Department of Trade.

Led by its Mayor, Hon. Elverita T. Templonuevo, they humbly received the prizes of P220,000 cash and a huge trophy during the award ceremonies held in the Philippine Trade Center, Roxas Boulevard, Metro Manila.

Mayor Templonuevo was accompanied by Hon. Jerome Vega – Barangay Chair, Camanci Sur, former Mayor Ernesto I. Templonuevo, Ms. Brenda Marte – Municipal Agricultural Officer, and Ms. Racel I. Gomez – president, Numancia Vermicast Producers MPC.

ASU Alumni

The Aklan State University (ASU Main) Alumni Association will hold their annual alumni homecoming on April 24, 2010. There are several activities being prepared this grand homecoming.

Leading this 2010 affair are the Golden Jubilarians, BRHS class 1960 and the Silver Jubilarians, AAC classes of 1985.

In connection with the preparation, the ASU Main Alumni Association Officers will hold a meeting at 4:30 in the afternoon of Monday, March 22 which will be held in the ASU Cafeteria, Banga. Those interested to attend the meeting are wholeheartedly welcome.

To be discussed are the schedule of activities during the homecoming affairs. The tentative activities during the one day affair are thanksgiving mass at St. Joseph Parish Church; motorcade around Poblacion, Banga; Short Program; Fellowship/Lunch, election of officers for 2010 – 2012; Parlor Games; Ballroom Dancing; and Search and Coronation of Miss Alumni 2010.

Those interested may contact: Tel. No. (036) 267 – 5040; 268 – 6238; 265 – 3206; or CP No. 09266733070 during Mondays to Fridays from 0900 – 1700 hours.

New President

Aklan State University is in search for a new president. The term of Dr. Benny Palma has expired on Dec. 31, 2009. Dr. Palma is now OIC president of ASU pending appointment of a new president.

These interested must be 60 years or younger, and must have earned a doctoral degree in a university preferably in the field of agriculture.

Early Closing

The 2010 WVRAA meet ended one day ahead of schedule. It was expected the games will end on Friday, March 19, but the smooth implementation of schedule of games enabled the early conclusion of the games. The availability of playing games enhanced early conclusion of the meet too.

Congratulations to the DepEd Aklan for the well managed WRAA meet, especially to Mr. Mary Ann Lopez, the overall coordinator of the WVRAA meet. Congratulations to the various WVRAA committees and to all Aklanons.

Aklan is really "Amazing Aklan". Everybody cooperated from the start until its closing. There was no untoward incident recorded as WVRAA related. The opening ceremonies were excellent. It displayed the best of Aklan, its uniqueness, and proved the truth that Aklan’s Sr. Sto. NiƱo Ati-Atihan Festival is the mother of all festivals in the Philippines.

Except for the delayed tabulation result in the search and coronation of Mr. and Miss Palaro, that Sunday night was marvelous. The songs and dances, the lights and sound are highly the showcase of Aklanons. The events are worth repeating.

2nd Anniversary

The Kapehan Sa Aklan will celebrate its 2nd Anniversary on Saturday evening, March 20. It will be held at Hernani’s Mix ‘n Match Restaurant, Kalibo.

The Kapehan for the last two years, engaged in a no holds barred discussion of events and its analysis, local governance, community project affecting the Aklanons. It has bounded local media entities and the practicing journalists as it is serving to promote camaraderie and understanding among them.

The principal highlight is a tribute for Atty. Ronquillo Conanan Tolentino as a journalist, public servant, lawyer, educator, historian, and political leader. /MP

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