Thursday, March 25, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Criminology At ASU
Aklan State University (ASU) New Washington, campus is now offering the degree in Criminology. Perhaps ASU wishes to graduate criminology experts to apprehend illegal fishers and loggers of trees in the swamp.

ASU New Washington may have forgotten its primary mandate to develop scientific and progressive fishers of its students and graduates.

Criminology courses are well taken care off by private colleges and universities in the Philippines. The criminology course offering is available in Aklan. ASU should as well spend its limited resources for which it was originally founded and for the real needs of the Aklanons. Why undertake and spend resources for courses the private sector can best do?

In 2008, ASU New Washington graduated 210 or 10 percent of all ASU graduates in all campuses.

In Banga campus, the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Sciences also graduated 123 or 6 percent of the total graduates in 2008.

It seems that ASU Banga is failing to attract the youth to pursue courses in Agriculture of various disciplines. ASU management badly needs methods and attractions to persuade the Aklanon youth to pursue courses in Agriculture for which the university was founded.

2nd Anniversary

Anniversary comes every year and Kapehan Sa Aklan is not an exception. Our warm welcome to all our guests, visitors, friends, and the tri media of Aklan in behalf of the Kapehan.

Two years ago, we launched Kapehan Sa Aklan at "Kusina Sa Kalibo". Time seems quite short. For tonight, we are now celebrating our 2nd anniversary. Why do we celebrate? We celebrate because our spirits are filled with excitement of the past two years. We feel great for the best is yet to come for the Kapehan Sa Aklan.

Kapehan is creating awareness and appreciation of issues and concerns having been discussed. It praises for whom they are due. It reminds when officials renege to perform their functions and responsibilities.

There are no holds barred discussion every Saturday morning con-cerning pertinent problems until a win-win solution is reached. Kapehan Sa Aklan was launched and now in the orbit. It is serving the purpose for its creation. It is now a by-word in the Province of Aklan. Hence, it is worthy to proceed to its journey under the inspiration, motivation and support of my boyhood friend Johnny Dayang. All the Aklanon journalists who are popularly known as members of the tri-media are identified with the Kapehan. They belong. For the last two years, they have well supported it.

"Give me flowers when I can still smell its fragrance and while I can enjoy its color", said a famous author.

Therefore, tonight, we will also offer tribute to a man we all love and esteem. He is the man of all seasons and of all professions. But among others, and above all, he is a journalist, Atty. Ronquillo "Kel" C. Tolentino.

On behalf of the Aklan Press Club, Inc. and the members of the Tri-media in Aklan, may I welcome you all warmly to the 2nd Anniversary of the Kapehan Sa Aklan and to our tribute to Atty. Kel Tolentino. Mabuhay! Cheers! Welcome! /MP

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