Sunday, April 18, 2010

ACI Alumni Prioritizes Tree Planting


The Aklan Central Institute (ACI) Alumni Batch 1964 held a meeting at the office of the principal of Makato Integrated School (MIS), Makato, Aklan just recently.

Some 26 alumni headed by Ad Hoc chairman of ACI Batch 1964 Ms. Lourdes V. Tesoro, MIS Principal II, attended the meeting. They agreed on various plans of activities for approval by a group of alumni to arrive home from Manila this April.

Among the planned activities are: salo-salo/get together party at Boracay; Ballroom dancing at ABL Memorial Hall; home visit to houses of considered Most Outstanding Batch 1964 Alumni; and tree planting at ACI campus.

Tree planting is prioritized to plant jack fruit. "Eangka" trees remind them of their High School days where they enjoyed its shade without fear of danger from hanging abundant fruits attracting lovers of nature.

Ms. Tesoro preferred jack fruit trees not only of its lovely shade but for its being a food plant to feed hungry stomach while it serves as anti pollutant/wind break. It produces durable lumber for the future generation. More than 50 potted seedlings are available, heartily given free by Engr. Eldred P. Tumbokon, son of the late Prof A. Tumbokon of Tina, Makato.

According to Ms. Tesoro, planting jackfruit needs 50 sacks of compost as organic fertilizer, and four years incentive fee for care taker. These requirements will be the priority agenda in the next meeting with the presence/attendance of alumni from Manila headed by Engr. Wilma Triste Barrameda.

It is hoped the Alumni Golden Homecoming tentatively scheduled on May 11, 2014 will be most memorable event enjoying to see langka trees that abound ACI campus to remind them of their happy high school days when they were young and free. /MP

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