Saturday, April 24, 2010

Aquino: Joc Joc Bolante Will Be Rejected in Capiz

Roxas City, Capiz: Liberal Party standard bearer Senator Noynoy Aquino is confident voters in Capiz will reject former agriculture undersecretary and gubernatorial bet Jocelyn Bolante, whom he said must account for his involvement in the P728-million fertilizer fund scam.

Aquino told reporters here that Capiz province is a "battleground" between "black and white," with Bolante, who is allied with NP bet Manny Villar, representing alleged corruption under the Arroyo administration.  

Bolante had been linked to the P728-million fertilizer fund scam where he allegedly diverted the funds to the campaign kitty of then administration presidential candidate Gloria Arroyo in the 2004 elections.

He said that should Bolante win, it may put the Philippines in the Guinness list of world records. But Aquino said he believes that voters know right from wrong and that a victory by the close Arroyo ally would be impossible.

He also said that in case of an unlikely win, Bolante should still be held accountable for his role in the scam.

"He cannot be above the law. There should be no ifs, buts, and wherefores. If you committed a crime you should pay the price," Aquino said. /MP

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