Sunday, April 04, 2010

Mayoralty Debate Dissects Party Platform


Kalibo Mayoralty candidates Hon. Mark V. Quimpo, Ret. Gen. Efren Q. Fernandez, Engr. Pablo Beltran, Jr. and former vice mayor William Lachica are shown in the above picture after a friendly debate about their respective programs of government for the Ati-atihan town of Kalibo.

Kapehan sa Aklan on March 27, 2010 featured a stirring mayoralty debate in the Municipality of Kalibo. It was held at Aklan State University, School of Industrial Technology Cafeteria, Kalibo. The guests are candidates for mayor of Kalibo. They are Hon. Mark V. Quimpo-Tibyog; Ret. Gen. Efren Q. Fernandez, - Independent; Engr. Pablo Beltran, Jr. – Independent; and former vice mayor William Lachica – Bigkis Pinoy.

All was given 10 – 15 minutes each constructive speech on the topic "Why Should I Be Mayor of Kalibo"? Individual candidates are given privilege to ask one or two questions to the incumbent speaker of not more than one minute each.

After the speech, interpellation and responses, members of the tri-media shoot their individual one minute question to any candidate who he or she chooses.

Full media coverage by Kalibo Cable TV, RGMA-DYRU, and IBC DYRG ensured wide publicity and interest.

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente said that personal qualification and concrete program of governance of candidates must be publicly known for making intelligent voting decision and generation of support. Plans and programs must be dissected for their relevance and applicability. It also enhanced high quality election campaign method.

Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino observed that public debates crystallize the best program to the people and indirectly ask for their support. They serve as mirrors for change.
First, to come up the podium was former vice mayor of Kalibo, William Lachica.

Kalibo being the provincial capital must be transformed into a progressive bastion of business and industry. The highest priority is relocating the present dump-site at Bakhaw Sur to a six (6) hectares area in Balete at a cost of P3 million. Improvement of business and industry and that of general population could be addressed by the construction of adequate drainage canals, street lighting, traffic reform and pollution control, regulate issuance of tricycle franchise, primary health care and upgrading public market. These will be pursued, Lachica promised if elected Mayor of Kalibo.

The second speaker was Engr. Beltran, Jr. who is president of Kalibo Stallholders Association and Kalibo Consumers Assn. He outlined his program of governance to focus on street lighting, health, education, employment, tourism, and peace and order. His hallmark brand of administration centers on transparency and integrity.

The third speaker was Efren "EQ" Fernandez. He is a graduate of PMA Class 1971 and has 36 years of experience in the military service. He is President and CEO of Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc. He serves either as chairman or vice chairman of some private businesses.

EQ has at one time presented the A to Z program/projects he hopes to accomplish once voted into office. He calls it "Handum nga Pagbag-o it Kalibo" or Desire for Change of Kalibo. His proposal addresses a comprehensive program among them: solid waste management, sewerage, construction of major thoroughfares, street lighting, transportation, communication, job creation, peace and order, Kalibo State College, agriculture and tourism.

The fourth speaker was Hon. Mark V. Quimpo who was elected SB member for two terms. Team Tibyog’s vision is for a progressive, peaceful and self reliant community inhabited by empowered citizenry and secured economic life. His 10 priority agenda are education, productivity for food security, health, environment, good and efficient governance, economic development, tourism, infrastructure, youth and sectoral welfare, and law and order.

Hotly debated topic is RA 9003 otherwise known as Ecological Waste Management Act of 2000. The daily haul of 14 metric tons garbage is a big problem that seems to defy solution. Despite the recent acquisition of heavy equipment by LGU Kalibo to manage dumpsite, the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) program is still implemen-ted on pilot basis in brgy. Pook according to Hon. Quimpo. This is done in coordination with Kool Earth, an NGO headed by Ms. Chita Heap.

Violence against women and children is covered by RA 9262. Lachica proposes to acquire a lot and construct a building for our displaced women and children with the assistance of DSWD.

However, due to financial constraint, policy-makers need only to strengthen "Daeangpan it mga Kababayenhan Sa Akean" at Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital compound. There is a resolution approved to establish a Provincial Center for Youth Offenders affected by the so-called Pangilinan Law.

The presence of Kalibo International Airport and the continuous arrival of foreign guests are posing a formidable challenge to LGU leadership of incumbent Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo and Governor Carlito S. Marquez. An urgent need is a package travel showcase featuring Aklan’s best like Manggad it Kalibo (bakhawan, piƱa fiber, Ati-Atihan village), authentic pageant on the Barter of Panay; One Town, One Product showcase at Pastrana Park; Earthworm Farm at Numancia; Botanical Garden Show at the Provincial Capitol ground; and cultural visits to the Museo it Akean. Otherwise diverting foreign flights to KIA instead of Caticlan would just be a time wasted and a dent in the pocket of tourists.

Bigkis Pinoy party leader Lachica needs not go out of town to seek funding for proposed projects. Tax collection particularly on real estate averages 60 percent efficiency. It would be well appreciated if this gradually improves to 90 percent over the next three years, and 100 percent in five years.

Presently, millions of pesos are still collectible by the Office of Municipal Treasurer from stallholders of Kalibo Shopping Center. Relevant question is how can we expand and modernize the commercial center if there is inefficient tax and revenue collection?

It appears that the candidate with most number of business holdings and interest is EQ Fernandez. One wonders whether he will divest himself from his lucrative job and concentrate on Kalibo’s transformation once elected into office. The people, especially Kalibonhons must know his stand on this important issue.

Overall, mayoralty debate was peaceful, tamed and civil. We hope similar debate among candidates in other towns will also be held. /MP

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