Saturday, April 24, 2010

NCCA Holds International Dance Workshop and Festival

by Joyce Morales – Toriaga
The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) through the National Committee held a DANCE XCHANGE 2nd Philippine International Dance Workshop and Festival in Roxas City, Capiz on April 14-20, 2010 with the theme: "Cultural Connectivity Through Dance". The workshop and festival is in partnership with the Province of Capiz and Sigmahanon Foundation for Culture and the Arts. That event was the Philippine celebration of the International Dance day in accordance with Presidential Proclamation No. 154 declaring the last week of April as the "National Dance Week".

Dance Xchange is also one of the banner projects of the Philippines as the ASEAN Cultural Capital for 2010-2011. It aims to strengthen international dance network, showcase the unique dances of each country to facilitate cultural understanding, provide venue for interaction and facilitate learning among dancers, directors, dance teachers, and choreographers, and dancers to stage their work.

Almost 700 par-ticipants nationwide attended the dance gathering from Sulu to Batanes and 10 other foreign dance companies like England, Hongkong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia I and II, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and the United States of America.

The author is deeply privileged to be a part of that workshop, and eight (8) other participants who are Joel V. Patenio of the District of Numancia, Pedrito Mabasa of the district of Makato, Randy Bagac and Edwin Masangcay of the District of Ibajay, Teresa Prado of the District of Malay, Ryan Lopez a dance choreographer of Kalibo and two (2) other secondary teachers.

The daily activities were overwhelming but so tiring as we were moved to participate each time because of the eagerness to learn other foreign dances and the culture of different countries. We were even more excited to witness more events and series of festivities as they featured talents and performances of different variations every night after workshop.

It was a rare opportunity for teachers like me to have witnessed such workshop as it may help them in staging school children with multiple intelligence in schools or even perform through different occasions if possible.

The NCCA is linked with other agencies and institution like DepEd, CHED, Department of Tourism, TESDA and several local government units and schools. Being with the DepEd in the District of Banga, the author grabbed the opportunity to be a part of that dance gathering. I may have spent for myself certain amount but it was worth paying anyway. That was a very substantial event so far.

I really appreciated the performances of Philippine Normal University Kislap Singing Dance Troupe, Quezon City Ballet/Halili-Cruz Dance Company, Technological University of the Philippines Kalinangan Dance Troupe, HWA YI Ethnic Dance Center, Powerdance, University of Cordillera Dance Troupe. Samleyaw Dance Company, Poseidon Dance Theater, the Big Dance Company of England, Alan and Becky Dance Group of Hongkong, Senju Kabuki Dance Company of Japan, Mira Dance Company of South Korea, Badan Budaya Universiti of Sarawak, and Aswara Dance Company of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, South and North Indian Classical Dances performed by Singapore group, the Lanyang Dancers of Sri Lanka, and Jack and Kathleen Villari in the Who and Who at the American Dance theater of the united States of America.

I believe that there will be a 3rd Dance Xchange workshop next year and hopefully DepEd Aklan can at least send more participants to this workshop. We are still waiting for more information as to where and when the next workshop will be held.

To the Festival Director, Dance Xchange and Head of the National Committee on dance Mrs. SHIRLEY HALILI-CRUZ, and the members of the committees, the Roxas City Based Working committees, thanks and congratulations for all the colorful showcases. It was a great job! /MP

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