Sunday, May 02, 2010

ASU (Main) Alumni Officers 2010 - 2012

Picture above shows ASU (main) Alumni Association officers for 2010 - 2012. They are (l to r) Atty. Ariel Gepty - president, Roberto Teodosio - vice president, Evelyn I. Dela Cruz-secretary, Daylinda R. Rigodon - treasurer, Bliss L. Arboleda - auditor, Mary Ann A. Ramos - business manager.

Andrew P. Legaspi, Doven C. Lachica, Chito L. Nabor, Sonia M. Lao, June Igharas, Michelle M. Tan, Conrado Ricaforte, Jr., Edilberto L. Solidum - members of the board of directors, and Dr. Benny A. Palma - induction officer. Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente - public relations officer is not in the picture. The induction program was held at Teodosio Park, Banga, Aklan on Saturday evening, April 24.

1 comment:

  1. can we use this picture for the ASU University Website?
