Sunday, May 16, 2010

Degenerating Quality Public Service


The weekly Kapehan’s topic was "Board Members’ Candidates governance forum (Western Aklan) on May 8, 2010 at Smokehauz Resto & Bar. Fortunately, Ms. Phoebe Clarisse "Ning" L. Cabagnot showed up to be the lone guest. The date actually is the homestretch campaign period and may possibly explain majority failed to heed the invitation. It was covered live by DYKY Bay Radio.

Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino recalled his authorship of a resolution to name the Corazon L. Cabagnot Tourism & Training Center while serving as Vice Governor. This is in memory of the late Governor Corazon L. Cabagnot who constructed the Center during her watch as Governor of Aklan. This is a simple reminder of how grateful Aklanons are whenever good deeds are manifested. Further, proof is the Augusto B. Legaspi Sports Center fronting the Provincial Capitol building.

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente on his welcome remarks touched the issue on the forthcoming transfer of the Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (BSP) from Kalibo to Roxas City. It should be noted that this facility was opened during the Legaspi’s long tenure and necessarily is impacting future commercial growth and stability in Aklan and nearby provinces.

Ning Cabagnot, SP candidate for Western Aklan is the daughter of the late Gov. Corazon L. Cabagnot. She is 31 years old, single, graduate of BS Communication Research, UP. She is family project manager of an Import-Export business. This allowed her to travel extensively to the US, Japan, Hongkong, Australia, and the Middle East. Evidently successful, now she turns a new leaf into politics.

Her passionate goal is to continue the family legacy of public service first started by her grandfather, the late Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon. However, she also wants to continue the desirable programs left by her Mom, some continued by the present political leadership. But she wishes to pursue the Maria Cristina/Timbaban hydro-electric project, Community hospitals in Motag and Boracay, Malay and infrastructure projects among others.

Her priority agenda covers a) Education that stress quality, affordability and orientation to job market demand, b) Health that focuses on universal health care for all Filipino families, c) Poverty reduction – provision of livelihood opportunities through skills training and financing. Absolutely no dole-outs or mendicancy, d) Eco-tourism development of other tourism spots that could offer business opportunities like wild water rafting in Libacao, Hurom-Hurom spring resort in Laserna, Nabas and picturesque beach of Jawili, Tangalan, e) Food security – crop and animal production programs must be intensified given our favorable soil, climate, and advanced agricultural technology.

Ning Legaspi Cabagnot is visibly annoyed by the degenerated quality of public service now compared with what she saw during her mother’s term. There is more to improve and needs to be done which she believes could be accomplished through legislative reforms, said the lady candidate.

Cottage industries like processed food, piña and abaca handicraft have huge markets abroad. We only need the right technology, financing and marketing tie-up that could be provided by DTI, and TESDA through the Micro, Small and Medium Industries. The trouble is that funding of the above agencies are extremely limited and thus thwart job seekers to go abroad. Meanwhile, poverty stricken families migrate in droves to urban centers seeking employment. Rejected because of educational qualifications, some end up in ghettos or squatter areas. Must this black scenario continue until the next decade? You as an intelligent voter have a big stake in this May 10 elections.

NP Miting de Avance

Nacionalista Party bets led by Atty. Lovegildo T. Mationg for Governor, re-electionist Mayor Antonio Maming of Banga and his running mate, Piere Teodosio and mayoralty candidate of New Washington Apollo B. Peralta had their Miting de Avance and presscon on May 8, 2010 at a Restaurant in Kalibo. Radio coverage was done by RGMA-DYRU Superadyo.

This was after the Kapehan session. We heard some portion of the blistering speech of Mayor Antonio Maming. Piere Teodosio strongly advocated for compre-hensive health care and the establishment of Banga Community Hospital. Apollo B. Peralta is a seasoned SB member who championed the cause of marginal fisherfolks. His program of governance is concentrated on basic needs like education, food security and health.

Atty. Lovel T. Mationg laments over the successive failures of Gov. Carlito S. Marquez to engage him in an honest to goodness political debate. The first was during the Kapehan, special edition at ASU Cafeteria, Kalibo and another one in Boracay. Once again, he discussed his seven point priority agenda.

He appealed for fairness, transparency, and accounta-bility in governance. Corrup-tion in all forms must not be tolerated by any government official. Like the prophet John the Baptist, he warned them that if malefactors can manage to hide their deeds here on earth, unerringly they could not escape the wrath of heaven.

"The mother of corruption in Aklan is the Biomass Power Plant owned by Asea One Power Corp." Mationg said, "That with all the anomalous transactions that have transpired between the business firm and the Provincial government, most likely it is only the people of Aklan who will eventually foot the bill. This is in the form of exorbitant energy cost", Mationg added.

Obviously, the major debacle to renewable energy is the California Energy (Cal En) hydro electric project in Libacao believed capable of generating 103 megawatts. Cal En, a US consortium has back out from the project a year ago despite spending millions of pesos on research, feasibility study and technical surveys. Here, the potential of industrialization and prosperity could have been achieved if not for this unfortunate event. Perhaps the present leadership should have the initiative to explain to the public the circumstances behind the aborted project.

It appears that the proposed replacement of 4 to 5 hydro electric power plants in Libacao are categorized as small scale, lacks economies of scale and comparatively inefficient due to susceptibility to drought (El Niño) and dwindling forest cover.

Atty. Mationg revealed that the provincial hospital has recently acquired a P9 million worth of X-ray equipment. If this is the latest state of the art X-ray machine in the whole world, then every Aklanon must take pride and avail of its services.

Given that we have this facility in the province why shouldn’t the provincial leadership opt for a mobile hospital to attend to primary health care? A fully equipped medical staff and laboratory routinely serving remote but accessible barangays could be the best solution to our deteriorating health services and high cost of hospitalization.

With all the explosive speeches by candidates, our small room became hot as the midday sun. Voter’s decision need not be based on popularity and campaign funds but on credibility of candidates and political platform.

Last Monday, May 10 the people voted for their chosen candidates. Banga Mayor Antonio Maming was reelected and his vice mayor Teodosio was voted. Apollo Peralta of New Washington was frustrated in his bid as Mayor of New Washington.

Atty. Leovegildo Mationg was badly beaten in his aspiration to be provincial governor of Aklan despite and inspite of his eloquent speeches, time, efforts, and resources spent in the campaign.

The young lady candidate Phoebe Clarisse "Ning" L. Cabagnot, in her first attempt in politics successfully placed herself number three in a group of five as members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Aklan, Western side.

Congratulations to the winners in the May 10 elections. To those who failed in their bids better luck next time. /MP

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