Wednesday, May 26, 2010

DPWH To Present To Public Proposed Flood Control Project In Aklan

KALIBO, Aklan, - The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) will present to the public the proposed Aklan River Flood Control and Drainage Project here.

DPWH District Engineer Roberto Cabigas said that the project will be presented on May 25 before provincial government officials, fisherfolks, farmers and indigenous people from the affected towns of Banga, Kalibo, Lezo, Libacao, Madalag and Malinao.

"From what I know the feasibility study might take around five years to be completed. The funding will be sourced out from a Japanese firm," Cabigas said. Cabigas said that when implemented, the flood control project will be a permanent solution of flood control concerns in the province.

Residents got much worried of possible flooding after Typhoon Frank devastated this town and neighboring municipallities in 2008.

While the flood control project is still in the offing, the DPWH is currently focused on maintaining the national highways to reduce flood risks during rainy season.

"We are trying to do our best so that the incidents of flood in the province would be reduced if not eliminated during heavy rains," Cabigas said. /MP

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