Friday, May 07, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
BSP Kalibo Mulls Transfer To Roxas
The Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (BSP) Kalibo according to reliable information is scheduled to relocate its office to Roxas City in 2011. This information came from a most reliable source.

Why does the BSP management has to transfer its BSP branch office from Kalibo to Roxas City? Is the volume of business bigger in Capiz than in Aklan that the BSP branch office must transfer to Roxas City? What are the reasons of the transfer?

Last week, vice presidential candidate Bayani Fernando was scheduled to plane in Roxas City airport at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon but was not able to because the airport was closed that time. There is only one or two planes which land in the Roxas City Airport daily. Bayani’s plane landed in Kalibo which airport is open even in the evening. Several planes land and take off in Kalibo Airport even at midnight. Moreover, there are smaller planes which land and take off in Caticlan Airport, Caticlan, Malay daily. This is a good indication of the booming tourism industry in Aklan province. Furthermore, hundreds of visitors visit Aklan everyday through the Republic Nautical Highway, by land, and by water transportations.

Why will BSP transfer to Roxas City which airport closes very early in the afternoon? This indicates very limited volume of business.

But not only in tourism, Aklan has surplus agricultural and marine products such as palay, coconuts, fish and seafoods for exports.

Many Aklanons perceived the BSP can be more functional in Aklan than transferring the office to Roxas City. The volume of business and the sum of money in circulation in Aklan on a daily basis is much larger than in Capiz.

The task to convince the BSP management to continue holding office in Kalibo is a great challenge to the present provincial leadership. This is a great challenge to the congressman, the provincial governor, vice governor, members of the SP Aklan, and mayor, vice mayor and SB members of Kalibo.

Is the present corps of BSP officials and employees in Kalibo glad that their office will transfer soon to Roxas City? If they are not happy to transfer to Roxas City, they must initiate their retention in Kalibo. If they are glad to transfer to Roxas City, then what is wrong among the Aklanons? I understand, majority of the employees of BSP Kalibo is Aklanons.

Summer Jobs On The Road

When I passed the road at the back of the Capitol Compound, Estancia, Kalibo, there were six (6) young people sitting on the edge of the center island of the road. I stopped my vehicle in their front and advised them to leave the place to prevent any vehicular accident.

They answered back, "we are working on the road under the students summer job of the capitol." Well and good. There is nothing wrong working under a summer job project and earn money. What is objectionable, however, is they are paid for the summer job by sitting on the center island of the road. They are paid and expose themselves to dangers.

I passed by them about 10:00 o’clock in the morning, Thursday, May 6.

I believe the summer job is not just for them to earn money but to instill among our young generation the dignity of labor, and honesty in the work places.

Can someone in the capitol be assigned to assist them so that the objects of the program are fulfilled? /MP

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