Friday, May 21, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

No Fraud, No Discrepancies
In 2010 Elections

There were dis-crepancies but no fraud noted. The is the conclusion made by the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) at the end of its counts of votes on May 19 for the 2010 automated elections.

The PPCRV ruled that even if "there were discrepancies in the election returns (ER) that it tallied, no systematic fraud occurred." It further said that the "just concluded automated elections were good since only 0.07 percent of the 43,035 ERs from clustered precincts showed signs of discrepancy.

Former ambassador and now PPCRV chair Henrietta de Villa characterized the automated 2010 polls generally clean.

However, there is a certain "Robin" with covered face with straw hat who came out to claim "there was large scale poll fraud". But he refused to identify himself for extreme danger to his life and those of his family.

There were also claims from other provincial candidates that PCOS machines were not accurate in the counting of votes. One of them is Vice Gov. Manny Piñol of North Cotabato.

Finding some very unsatisfactory responses to the questions and allegations, Cong. Teodoro Locsin, Jr. was not able to hold his anger. He shouted at the top of his voice at Smartmatic representatives.

Oath Before Service Justice

Sen. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III will probably take his oath as the next president of the Philippines before a senior justice of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals. This is revealed by former Senator Victor Ziga and one of the cabinet members of the late President Corazon C. Aquino. "Noynoy would follow what his mother did" added Ziga.

In 1986, Cory Aquino took her oath as President of the Philippines before Claudio Teehankee, the most senior justice of the Supreme Court at that time. The oath taking took place in Club Filipino, San Juan.

On the other hand, the late Ferdinand E. Marcos and Arturo Tolentino took their oath as President and Vice President respectively before Chief Justice Ramon Aquino in Malacañang Palace.

Sen. Noynoy Aquino earlier announced he will take his oath of office before a Barangay Captain in his home province, Tarlac. He said, he does not recognize Renato Corona who was appointed by Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to succeed Reynato Puno who retired on May 17.

Aquino describes Corona’s appointment as inappropriate because "there is no vacancy to be filled up since Puno was yet to retire." Aquino warned Corona’s appointment would be subject to an inquiry in the future.

Moreover, Corona’s appointment came under fire from critics. Arroyo was strongly urged to defer appointing the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to allow the incoming president to make the appointment.

Hottest Day

May 19 was the hottest day. It was 37.5 degree celsius in Metro Manila while it was 39 degree celsius in Cagayan Valley, PAGASA reported. This kind of weather will last until the first part of June.

In Metro Manila, most people spend most of their time inside the malls and other air-conditioned places to escape extreme heat in their houses.

Speaking of last month, April 2010 was the hottest month ever recorded with average temperature of 14.5 degrees celsius which is 0.76 degrees celsius higher compared to the 20th century average of 13.7 degrees celsius, reported the United Nations Weather Agency.

The temperature is warmer than normal conditions most felt in Canada, Alaska, Australia, Eastern USA, South Asia, Northern Russia, and Northern Africa.

This rise in temperature further confirms global warming is here and badly felt. Man must do something to halt the heat. /MP

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