Wednesday, May 26, 2010

IBAJAY’s ASU-CHARRM & Centuries-Old Mangroves

A Response to Employment Opportunities
and Ecological Protection
by Dr. Marivel S. Villorente, Dean, ASU-CHARRM
April 2010 Commencement Exercises of Aklan State University at Ibajay, officially known as the ASU-College of Hospitality and Rural Resource Management (ASU-CHARRM) brought out fresh but time’s much needed manpower in the province, the first BS in Tourism graduates. The first Tourism graduates were strictly screened with the strict adherence to the program’s admission and retention policy. They may not be at far with the city school’s graduates of the same course, particularly in Communication skills as what most Boracay establishments claimed, but these ASU-CHARRM graduates have an edge when it comes to knowledge in Eco-tourism, perseverance, dedication and particularly possessing natural beauty. They were widely-exposed to the many and rich eco-tourism attractions of the province, honed in work ethics, and widely exposed in extra-curricular activities. So great to note that the students were pleasantly overwhelmed by the support given by the management of the following establishments:

1.The Philippine Airlines (PAL)-Kalibo, 2. Aklan Provincial Tourism Office, 3.Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP)-Kalibo 4. Catiklan Jetty Port and Passenger Terminal, 5.Zest Air-Catiklan, 6. Go Discover travel, 6. La Carmela De Boracay Resort Hotel 7. Boracay Regency Beach Resort and Convention Center, 8.Boracay Holiday Resort Hotel, 9. Real Maris Resort and Hotel, Inc., 10.Kikkos Boracay Beach Besort, 11. Patio Pacific Resort Boracay, 12. Bamboo Beach Resort and Restaurant, 13. Discovery Shores Boracay, Villa Sunset Beach Resort.

The OJT included exposure both in the travel industry and in the hotel industry. The exposure and experience acquired by students as revealed in their OJT report had tremendously enriched their knowledge in the real hospitality and tourism activities of the province. Indeed, the presence of a Tourism curricular program at ASU-Ibajay is a very valuable contribution in the promotion of tourism industry. That is, students are made aware of all the tourism potentials in the province and what the local government and the people in general can do about it. The tourism course, likewise, is a big help to low-income families to be able for them to send their children for education especially when they have the potentials relevant to the discipline of Tourism.

The pioneer graduates of BS Tourism at ASU-Ibajay, are hoping to be absorbed by any travel agency and hotel industry in the province. It is a known fact that most of tourism or hospitality personnel in the province, particularly in Boracay, come from outside of the province. It is envisioned that with the Tourism graduates of ASU-Ibajay which is just at the gate of the island, considerations could be accorded to them for employment. Such that travel agencies, hotel and tourism industries will provide priority opportunities for employment to these local graduates. To this, a much needed support of the local government is important.

The tourism graduates of CHARRM come from all over Aklan and from the neighbor, northwest municipalities of Antique. They were well-exposed to natural eco-parks in Aklan particularly to the newly-developed but very significant and magical mangroves of Ibajay, known as Ibajay Mangrove Eco-Park or locally known as Katunggan It Ibajay, (KII). KII takes pride of its 44 hectares of mangroves and the only mangrove community in the country with a total of 28 species or 80 percent of the total of 35 Philippine species. These were acknowledged by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center-Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC-AQD) and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). These two organizations have identified the site as ideal for various scientific researches on mangroves and aquaculture development.

Likewise, the ASU-CHARRM has identified the site as a significant area for practicum on the application of skills in BS in Tourism, BS in Agriculture and BS in Environmental Science. The ASU-CHARRM has greatly contributed to the promotion of the place through its big number of students who come from the different municipalities of Aklan and Antique, particularly the BS in Tourism and BS in Environmental Science. Together with the students and the faculty members who also come from the different municipalities of Aklan, Antique, Capiz and Iloilo, the eco-park, will not take long to become one of the busiest tourism destinations in Aklan. With the presence of this eco-park, the students are realistically made aware of the value of the right management of the eco-system. Moreover, they are able to see the difference between mass tourism and eco-tourism and from the ever popular tourism attraction of the Boracay island.

ASU-CHARRM has also done its part in conducting the Basic Tour guiding training to the identified potential local tour guides, which was zealously organized by the ZSL and supported by the LGU-Ibajay. Soon, the school will also build Tree Houses to add attraction to the place.

It is worth knowing, the good fortune of Ibajay to have ZSL in the forefront in the development of the KII and the valuable support of the ASU-CHARRM in the continuous development of the local folks’ knowledge on eco-tourism and other relevant pro-active trainings that ASU-CHARRM has planned for them. However, equally lucky are the inhabitants with the wholehearted support of the LGU-Ibajay. Blessing is also with ASU for having such a wonderful interplay of cooperation by these organizations and the welcoming attitudes of the people’s organizations, such as the Naisud Mangrove and Aquatic Organization (NAMAO) and the Bugtongbato Fisherfolks Association (BFA). These are the two organizations that act as steward of this natural wealth. Hence, for a minimal entrance fee of Twenty Pesos (P20.00), one can enjoy the healthy walk, with the assistance of the knowledgeable and well-trained local tour guides. The amount goes to the maintenance of the park and a small percentage goes to the effort and valuable time of the tour guide.

Also, guests are enjoined to try the boat ride at a very minimal fee. The boat ride is most exciting for it will bring you to the beautiful scenery of the mangroves and its beautiful stand from roots to tip, from the river down to the sea. It is a very beautiful experience to have a boat ride under the canopy of the mangrove trees, under a concrete bridge out to the delta, where the river and the sea meets. A valuable insight to see the spectacular interplay of the ecosystem during a boat ride, where one could experience the little wrestle with the river current to get out of it and to follow the route and discover the beautiful scenery towards the sea. This can be experienced during a boat ride when high tide is at its flow.

The Katunggan It Ibajay has a 800-m stretch of footbridge and the walk in it will bring you to its pride jewel, the centuries-old mangrove trees, Avicennia rumphiana, locally known as api-api or bungalon. This ecological treasure hidden in Ibajay which had existed in centuries and only made known significantly through mangrove scientist, Dr. Jurgen H. Primavera, a prolific writer on Mangrove and a staunch advocate of its protection. It is through the scientist’s study which highlighted the great value of the area with the identified presence of a big number of centuries-old mangrove trees. Today, the long slumber of this beautiful ecological treasure has ended through the invaluable efforts and dedication of the ZSL staff, the commitment of LGU-Ibajay and the extension services of ASU-CHARRM through educational and other skills training. The interplay of these organization is hope to bring not only economy in the area but also to arouse the consciousness of the community on the immeasurable worth of the mangroves in the ecological preservation. The fellowship of LGU-Ibajay, the ZSL and the people’s organizations, NAMAO and BFA is hoped to bring goodwill to the economy and nature’s preservation. /MP

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