Friday, May 21, 2010

Random Thoughts

Election 2010 Post Mortem

I have nothing but good words for the Comelec and Smartmatic’s Megs Lunn who did a splendid job of ensuring the smooth flow of the transmission of the automated results. Over lunch at Saylo, Lunn intimated that even reports of vote buying in certain areas were brought to her attention, a testament that a vote of confidence given to her by some concerned sectors in Aklan.

For the record, it took me two hours of intense waiting, braving all the sweltering heat, sweating and a restless throng before I managed to cast my vote and be a part of the country’s first ever automated polls. But being a part of history was all worth it. It was a must and definitely worth all the trouble. If this is how it is to make democracy working then so be it.

As the political drama continues to unfold, I was dumbfounded by the reality that a number of political candidates registered convincing victories despite facing the odds by challenging formidable and well entrenched politicos. Sign of the times perhaps. But one thing is certain: This year’s elections has managed to deface Aklan’s political landscape and altered the flow of traditional politics. Indeed, things will never be the same again.

Irony of all ironies, I felt disheartened for those corrupt and incompetent political creatures who managed to worm their way back to power. It makes me wonder why these sycophants were allowed to be so inept and ineffectual.

As the cosmic law provides: Things happen because they do. Whether good or bad, they can make better persons out of us.

I suppose this is the universe’s way of getting payback for all those times when some voters allow themselves to be bought and prostituted.

The nagging question remains: When will we stop shooting ourselves on the foot and fight for the candidates who most deserve our trust? If only some of our chosen leaders have any iota of propriety (delicadeza) left in them. May this remind them that there’s still such a thing as ethics.

Now the electoral smoke has cleared and settled down, it’s high time to get back to reality and move on. Well meaning constituents must now hold accountable all winning candidates for all their campaign promises and judge them from an even higher ground.

Our newly-elected officials who survived the onslaught should now take advantage of the mandate they have received from the electorate. Here’s hoping that they won’t take the people’s sake for granted and set a sterling example as good leaders. The bottom line is that Aklanons want to be governed well and possibly make their lives presidential. /MP

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