Friday, May 07, 2010

Roxas City Leads Anti-Illegal Recruitment Campaign

The urgent and strong desire of the city government headed by City Mayor Vicente B. Bermejo to prevent the city residents from being victimized by illegal recruiters, the local chief executive through the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) have requested the Philippines Oversees Employment Administration (POEA) in Manila to conduct an anti illegal recruitment campaign seminar in Roxas City which was held recently.

Ms. Mila I. Barquin, PESO manager, said the seminar was fully supported by the city government in coordination with resource speakers from the POEA.

Mayor Bermejo was represented by Mila I. Barquin who read his message during the opening program. Bermejo conveyed his thanks to the participants and to the POE speakers for their support to the anti-illegal recruitment campaign and other training activities on overseas employment program.

According to Barquin, the training module was in two parts. Part I deals on anti-illegal recruitment (AIR) campaign that includes understanding the Overseas Employment Program; overview of the AIR Campaign; applicable laws on illegal recruitment (RA No. 8042); Video presentation of "Ikaw Handa Ka Na Ba?"; trafficking in persons (RA No. 9208); modus operandi of illegal recruiters; 10 Don’ts to avoid illegal recruitment; and "Sino Ang Isang Illegal Recruiters?"

Part II deals on Capability Enhancement training on overseas employment program designed for PESO managers. It explains the Role of PESO in the OE Program and Introduction to the Illegal Recruitment – Free Local Government Units (LGUs) Campaign; the pre-employment orientation seminar (PEOS) – A Preventive Approach; Motivations, Challenges and Risks of Working Abroad; Video presentation of "Ang Bagong Bayani"; Legal Modus of Recruitment (Documentary Requirements and Procedures); Overseas Job Opportunities; Standard Employment Contract for OE; PEOS – An Effective Approach; workshop; presentations, critiquing, and action planning.

Resource persons from POEA are lawyers John Rio A. Bautista, Celso J. Jeuandez, Jr., Mary Grace C. Quiliente, Ms. Rhea Glynde D. Calantas, Rex O. Marcos, and Ms. Moira Lintongan Idiosea. /MP

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