Sunday, May 02, 2010

Vote With Integrity

Integrity means to be integrated, where there are not interval inconsistencies that may diminish the authenticity of an individual. It does not simply means being honest. It is to be principled and there is wholesomeness in one’s life. It is a life that brings about courage and genuineness that are the foundations of true greatness in living. It develops trust.

In contrast, people who lack integrity tend to lack moral self-respect and self-confidence. They are persons who are inwardly unfulfilled, unhappy, and have no real peace of mind.
Persons of integrity will begin and continue as a personal on-going decision to stand firm on principles which are inherently good. They take the long, straight and narrow road and do not cave into cheating, tell the truth over a lie despite the consequences.

Persons of integrity help steer a person clear of those that bow to a corrupt nature. They lend a helping hand, and set one part from a person who has chosen to follow the lead of a di fferent drummer.

A person of integrity diminishes and even disappears if he is ignored and abandoned its blessings. Sometimes, integrity will separate a person from the "in" crowd, makes other people feel uncomfortable because of their own insecurities, problems, and guilt.

In the words of Steven W. Vannoy, "integrity is how one acts when no one is watching, when no one knows what one is doing. It is always telling the truth, clearing up misconceptions or partial truths…Integrity is keeping with commitments".

No Fear

A person with integrity has little or no fear of being found out. If he tells the truth he fears nothing. He is what he purports to be and ready to admit mistakes rather than hide them. There is inner consistency and honesty.

Whether a person is a farmer, fisherman, lawyer, physician, journalist, businessman, or laborer, integrity is quality that will help that person’s profession. It will help political leaders garner more votes in any election.

Developing Integrity

Integrity starts with a set of principles that will guide a person’s response to circumstances, imbibe from younger age molded by elders surrounding the child. Honesty is most basic principle that leads to integrity.

Be completely honest with the children, with the people, either subordinates, peers, or superiors. Never deceive them with false alibis or promises. Keep your commitments to them as one is bound to it. Failure to comply with one’s promises develops mistrust. Be fair as integrity means practicing fairness, justice and equity.

On May 10 election, let no one buy your vote. Let us vote with integrity the candidates with the highest integrity. This is the only way we can help rebuild the Philippines as to her economic, socio-political condition. Vote with integrity! /MP

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