Monday, June 07, 2010

A Beginning of a Transcendental Change

by Dortea Peralta

Established for a Noble Purpose

The establishment of SIFE ASU-CHARRM marks a newfound beginning of a trans-cendental change in the community. Having realized the noble goal of SIFE world, the Aklan State University- College of Hospitality And Rural Resource Management, Ibajay campus never doubted why not to get involve. Adopted by the University in 2008, now the team gained a positive response from among the university’s active students especially the student leaders.

Founded in 1975, STUDENTS IN FREE ENTERPRISE (SIFE) has grown into one of the largest university-based organizations in the world. At present, 40- active countries comprise the SIFE world. Working as a team, this organization is composing of active student members and skilled faculty advisors. Its primary goal is to make a primary transition in the community through implementing educational outreach programs that reach individuals in their communities the principles of market economics, success skills, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, environmental sustainability and business ethics. Hence, SIFE brings out a dramatic positive impact on many lives — better enhancing lives of millions globally.
SIFE ASU-CHARRM Heads On For that Change
SIFE ASU-CHARRM team serves true to its purpose by organizing a tour guiding seminar and training to the local tour guides in Brgys. Bugtongbato and Naisud, Ibajay, Aklan in the promotion of the "Katunggan it Ibajay." This training aims to empower local tour guides through skill-enhancement and encouraging jobless folks and out-of school youths to be involved. The team began gradually by giving lectures on the principles of management, financial management and prospects on tour guiding. Moreover, the training focuses not only on tour guiding but also, to introduce them into putting-up a business and cater profitable services for the convenience of the visiting tourists in the mangrove Eco-Park.

The SIFE ASU-CHARRM in partnership with the ZSL (Zoological Society of London) aims to attract more spectators to come, making it a potential destination for tourism business. While implementing fruitful projects to the community, SIFE ASU-CHARRM team also promotes environmental sustainability through creating awareness among its audience a sense of responsibility towards ecological balance and environmental development sustainability.
A Realistic Dream

Realizing the youth arm to bring changes in the community and in nation’s economic progress, SIFE ought to train young individuals to become the future leaders in building up a future that is more certain, realistic and sustainable. To achieve this, mobilizing students to start and become productive to its community is the starting point towards the SIFE’s realistic dream. A response to National Hero, Jose "The youths are the Fair Hope of the Fatherland", ASU-CHARRM SIFE’s commit itself to supporting the "Katung-gan It Ibajay" in its economic endeavor through education and training of skills needed to make tour guiding as an economic life and not just a past time.

Thus, realizing SIFE’s battle cry, "A head for Business. A heart for the world." /MP

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