Sunday, June 20, 2010

Boracay Tourism: Holding An Empty Bag


Re elected to her third term as member of the Aklan SP (eastern part), Hon. Daisy Sucro Briones is shown discussing her accomplishments for the last six (6) years and her agenda for 2010-2013. With her is Hon. Plaridel M. Morania who recollected his vast accomplishments as SB member and vice mayor of Libacao and as member of the SP Aklan for six terms.

Today, June 12 marks the 115 years of Philippine Independence. Happy foundation anniversary! Kapehan session on June 12 at Smokehauz Resto & Bar is titled, "SP Priorities of Elected Officials". Guests were Hon. Plaridel Morania and Hon. Daisy Sucro Briones.

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente cited current issues that impact socio-economic development in Aklan namely: a) Release of P600 million Bangon Aklan fund out of P4 billion pledged by PGMA (P160 million is earmarked for Aklan for flood control), b) Pending application of Asea One Power Corp because of technical problems with LGU Banga, c) San Miguel Corp backing off from Caticlan Airport Develop-ment project due to controversial environmental problems, d) Timbaban Hydro-electric power generation approved by DOE, e) Atty. Allen S. Quimpo’s briefing on Disaster Preparedness based on forecast of La NiƱa by PAG-ASA and f) deliberate failure by House of Representatives to pass "Right to Info Bill".

In an impassioned speech, outgoing SP member Plaridel Morania bidding farewell to his peers in the august chamber citing four decades of uninterrupted service to country, province, and people. He thanked all Aklanons who have supported him as SB member and Vice Mayor of Libacao and SP member (Aklan Eastern sector). He credits his "landscape of political tenacity" based on honor, integrity and independence of the provincial legislature. For his unblemished record, he received the Outstanding Aklanon award in 2006.

Atty. Morania is either author or co-author of the following legislations: Environmental Code of 2007, Tourism Code, Investment Code and Children’s Code. Pending before the SP are General Ordinances of the Provincial Board and Productivity Enhance-ment Ordinance.

SP Daisy Sucro-Briones also thanked Aklanons for elevating her to rank number two in the recent May 10 polls. With the new mandate, she will vigorously pursue gender advocacy on women and children’s rights.

"We could only accomplish this objective by providing them with proper education regardless of their status in life," said the veteran lawmaker. Ironically, she balks at sex education for school kids since parents are in the best position to teach and nurture them. It may be too early but both the Senate and House have preliminary debates on reproductive health bill recommended by DOH. At any rate, the Aklan Childrens’ Code needs to have the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) before it can take effect.

Asea One Power Corp in order to generate 12 MW of electricity needs to consume 70,000 metric tons of biomass (mainly agricultural wastes) per year. This is equivalent to 191.7 metric tons per day or 38 truckloads (5 tons cap) using our narrow congested nautical highway and secondary roads. One formidable problem is fuel sourcing. Absence of big rice mills and by products (mainly rice hull) in Aklan and highly fragmented farms make collection and transport difficult. If the buying price of the power firm is P250 per ton biomass delivered to its plant site in Venturanza, Banga then in all probability, it is not commensurate and sustainable.

Massive appetite of this plant could also "feast" on forest trees and coal. If this happens, indeed this is environmental disaster comparable to the epic Trojan horse. Obviously, we do not need another Independent Power Producer to hoodwink us like Mirant or Global Business Corp.

Wind power farms and hydroelectric power as renewable energy sources are highly recommended for Aklan since they are environment–friendly and economically viable. It could be futile to spread out P160 million among four towns for flood control knowing that the enemy is immensely big, powerful, and unpredictable. Since present task is rehabilitation, then SP leadership should wisely use the money from Bangon fund for initially funding the proposed Timbaban Hydroelectric power project.

It is lamentable that San Miguel Corp backed out from its original plan to invest in Caticlan International Airport (CIA). Despite favorable endorsement and funding of NEDA and the provincial leadership of Aklan. There are stoic objections and criticisms that stalled its proper implementation. We should remember that we are all partners in national development not in our selfish-parochial world. It is ironic that we can not put our acts together in this simple basic issue of being customer-oriented. Really, the difference between KIA and CIA is 15 minutes travel time to Boracay. If KIA could perform this feat then forget CIA.

Truth hurts but our Boracay tourism receipts in the estimated amount of P12 billion annually is not handled by banking institutions. That amount of money does not circulate in Aklan. Foreign travel tour agencies usually transact business with local partners in Metro Manila leaving only loose change for local folks. This explains the reason why Libacao, Madalag, Buruanga, and Balete have worsening problems of poverty and unemployment.

GMA once stated that Boracay figuratively is the goose that lay the golden eggs for Aklan. Thanks for the compliment but in truth we are holding an empty bag.

Perhaps, it is charisma and pragmatism of Atty. Morania that he remained undefeated in his long political career. Male chauvinism is rife in the air but real success or failure of a man is his better half, the former Ms. Pamela S. Quimpo who is the wind beneath the wings.

It is up for our new set of SP leadership to craft pertinent legislation to stabilize/upgrade existing ones or pass new ones in the face of ever changing domestic and international events. Considering overspending cost of P1 billion and projected credit squeeze vital socio-economic services may be disrupted if no safety nets are instituted.

Many thanks to Technical Staff of Aklan CTV for their full coverage of Kapehan forum. /MP

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