Sunday, June 27, 2010

Reason & Concern

by Ronquillo C. Tolentino
Last Flickering Gasp of Fading
Political Power
 The Philippine Red Cross (formerly Philippine National Red Cross), a voluntary humanitarian organization was created in 1947 by virtue of Republic Act No. 95, as amended. 

The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) serves as an auxiliary arm of the government in providing relief, health, and welfare to the most vulnerable people in need including victims of disasters.

On April 27, 2010 a memorandum of agreement was made and entered into by and between the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the PRC on the El Niño Phenomenon that was then hitting the country and was greatly affecting the agricultural sector and livelihood of farmers, fisher folks and indigenous people in the El Niño affected provinces.

The out-going President had instructed to fast track the distribution of government rice assistance to farmers, fisher folks and indigenous people affected by the El Niño Phenomenon with funding approval of Five Hundred Million Pesos (Php 500,000,000.00).

As the planned distribution of government rice assistance came within Section 261 of Article XXII of the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines prohibiting all government agencies to release, disburse or spend public funds during the 45 days before a regular election except for salaries of personnel, and for regular and routinary expenses that the Commission on Elections may authorize after due notice and hearings, the DSWD requested to COMELEC for an exemption.  The COMELEC denied the request for exemption.

Considering the COMELEC’s denial of the DSWD’s request for exemption pursuant to the Omnibus Election Code, all funds for disaster victims were ordered by the national government to be turned over to and administered and disbursed by the Philippine Red Cross subject to the supervision of the Commission on Audit or its representatives in accordance with Section 261, Article XXII of the Election Code.

The PRC willingly agreed to have the amount of Five Hundred Million Pesos transferred by the DSWD to the PRC in two schedules: the amount of Php 250 million consisting of Php 237,500,000.00 for the initial purchase of 190,000 sacks of rice at 50 kilograms per sack or 9,500,000 kilograms at Php 1,250.00 per sack from the National Food Authority for the first 190,000 farmers, fisher folks and indigenous people affect by the El Niño Phenomenon and Php 12,500,000.00 for administrative cost in the implementation of the program and made available to the PRC upon signing of the approved MOA and receipt of the required documents. 

The remaining amount of Php 250 million with the same allocation of the initial release upon submission of Fund Utilization Report of the first release certified by the Accountant and approved by the President/Chairman showing a summary of expenses, distribution list of beneficiaries duly signed/acknowledged of accom-plishment report and validation/favorable recommendation by the Internal Audit Report (IAS) of the DSWD.

Actually, the list of farmers, fisher folks and indigenous people beneficiaries of the Rice Assistance Program were made available to the PRC by the DSWD and Department of Agriculture.

In Aklan, Dr. Minda B. Brigoli, CEO VI, Regional Director, Department of Social Welfare and Development in her May 20, 2010 letter to Governor Carlito S. Marquez, stated that there are 4,187 small farmers beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in four municipalities. They were identified as recipients of the Rice Assistance Program. These are the municipalities of Balete with 643 farmers, Buruanga with 311 farmers, Libacao with 2,078 farmers and Madalag with 1,155 farmers.

 Governor Carlito S. Marquez and the Municipal Local Government Units involved in the Rice Assistance Program have sincerely and seriously manifested their willingness to complement the rice assistance program. The acts of Gov. Marquez and the municipalities’ mayors affected by the El Niño Phenomenon should be appreciated.

As to out-going President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, she can always look forward that history being the final judge of deeds would look kindly at her when the high court of history shall sit in judgment.

Verily, this Rice Assistance Program for families affected by the El Niño Phenomenon is a concern that merits praise implemented by an administration in the last flickering gasp of a dying political power. /MP

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