Sunday, June 20, 2010

You’re The Men

Happy Father’s Day!
If there’s one man I look up to, there will be no other than my dear father. For me he is a superman! Not in terms of having superpowers but, to bring me to this world for greatness!

He had me in his 30 years of age. I can pretty much figure out how happy he was when he first held me in his arms as he glanced over my fragile and purely innocent face. It is surely rewarding.

I am really attached to my father ever since. I could still remember the times when I was still a kid. My father was my devoted playmate because I was shy to play outside with other kids in the neighborhood. We used to play games that he thought it will make me feel happy. When I got hurt in playing, he would ease the pain of my wounded knee. I used to cry when I didn’t see him around.

If there are things we have in common, it is our looks and our curly hair. He is a big kid in many ways. He fools around, we dance together, laugh about something or talk about someone. He is neither a clown nor a military commander. But don’t get me wrong, he could be a horrible one when I disobeyed him.

Then my childhood days ran out. I’m now a young lady and not a kid anymore. I knew he was afraid of it. He will be missing the best days of my childhood. I want my freedom this time. I would go and hang out with friends and gone into dates. He did not know because I was afraid he would get mad and never let me go.

He was so strict, maybe over protective. Yet, he lets me do what I want. He allows me grow up. He confidently gives me the option to choose, to discipline myself, and to stand on my own. So far, so good. He consistently tells me to get through whatever changes come my way. He would say, "you too would be a parent one day; and you would understand how complicated to be one.

I may not be expressive to him because how weird I am to find it cheesy. But I am thankful that he is my father. He may not be a lawyer, a doctor or an engineer, but to me, he is the greatest father on earth who will always be there for me, to constantly remind me of the things I will miss when I’m grown up!

I came across a man whom I admire most and wished I could have at least half of his vitality and passion to life. I’ve known this man better through the years and therefore have a deeper appreciation of him. A man who has a zest for life, notwithstanding his lengthy accomplishments but more than his professional achievements. What strikes me most is the accomplishments of his children in their own field of endeavors. That, for me, is something very admirable, for the measure of a father’s greatness is in the quality of his children.

His children are all professionals. All six of them graduated at the University of Philippines, four are INTAPS/NSTA scholars, three have MBA’s from Ateneo de Manila and Rollins College in Florida, USA, one cum laude, one magna cum laude, a topnotcher in the Electrical Engineering Board Exam, now Director of DOST, one law graduate and one physician who is a diplomate in Radiology. Wow!

To be able to build a career and family life is an honor to a man. But to have raised truly competitive children is a blessing. More than just a family man, he is an entrepreneur, an editor, a teacher; he is also an advocate for change, development, peace and integrity in this world the best way he knows how.

He has never run out of ideas, frustrations, suggestions, and reactions. You’ll get inspiration from him. His greatest teachings, "each one of us has its own worth, don’t allow the negative responses of others to determine your value, let go gladly and graciously".

It is very inspiring to find someone who celebrates the best years of his life yet, keeping his simple and humble self despite his professional successes and as a father.

There are only a few special men I know who had the empowering and inspiring attributes I definitely found with this man. (From the Madyaas Pen family, Happy Father’s Day!) /MP

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