Thursday, July 01, 2010


Turn-over of Power
"Turn-over" is one of the rituals the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) introduced in all levels of the government of the Philippines to follow in the change of leadership.

Turn-over means the act or an instance of turning over things. In governance, it refers to the handing of power, functions, responsibilities, projects and plans by the outgoing group of leaders to the incoming group of leaders.

In the case of the President of the Philippines, Gloria M. Arroyo’s term ended on June 30. The incoming president Benigno Simeon "Noynoy" Aquino III who won the presidential election on May 10, 2010 will assume the presidency on June 30.

To effect the smooth turn over of power, functions, projects, programs, and responsibilities, two transition committees were formed. A transition committee for the outgoing president or Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and a Transition Committee for the incoming president or Noynoy Aquino.

The two committees conducted series of meetings to discuss and agreed on the details of the turn over ceremonies. The two committees agree for example the conduct of the turn over, the venue and other details of the ceremony.

In the provincial government of Aklan, no turn over took place. There is no change in the provincial leadership except some changes of membership in the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. However, under the leadership of Vice Governor Gabrielle V. Calizo-Quimpo, an orientation meeting was held for the incoming members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

In its inaugural session on July 1,Vice Governor Calizo – Quimpo has invited Gov. Carlito S. Marquez to present to the new set of SP members his program of priorities for the next three (3) years which will require legislative collaboration.

Gov. Marquez’s presentation to the SP will provide direction for the legislative mill in Aklan’s legislative body.
Aklan’s 17 Towns

How is the turn over proceedings in the 17 municipalities of Aklan? Leadership in several municipalities have not change except in the capital town of Kalibo, Malinao, Numancia, and Malay.

In the town of Altavas, is turn over of power, functions, and responsibilities necessary from a loving wife to her husband, the Refol couple? There is no turn over information received from that town.

In the municipality of Balete, is turn over which mantle of functions and responsibilities will be transferred from a good sister to a caring brother, the Calizo sister and brother.

In Batan, New Washington, Banga, Madalag, and Libacao, the Mayors are re-elected. In Western Aklan, Lezo, Makato, Tangalan, Ibajay, Nabas, and Buruanga, there is no change of leadership as all the mayors in these towns are re-elected.

There is no talk about turn over program in Malay as it has the new mayor, John P. Yap while the former Mayor Ciceron S. Cawaling is elected vice mayor.

The municipality of Malinao has a new mayor, former SB member Ariel Igoy and vice mayor, also a former SB member Josephine I. Iquiña. Maybe their turn over ceremony was simple.

In Numancia, the turn over ceremony went smoothly. A program was organized called "Pagtugyan". Pagtugyan means to entrust. It was held in the Social Hall, Numancia Town Bldg. at 2:30 in the afternoon, Tuesday, June 29.

The outgoing officials as well as the incoming officials were both in good spirit. The program started with a prayer led by Rev. Fr. Jose R. Relente. Vice Mayor Evangeline M. Ibabao welcomed those present. Mr. Jenny D. Destua of the DILG Aklan gave his message which dealt of the significance, intent and purpose of the occasion. This was followed with the introduction of the members of the local governance Transition Team.

Mayor Elverita T. Templonuevo, outgoing mayor delivered her turn over message. It was replete with her accomplishment for the last three years. She also provided some proposals to make Numancia a desirable place to do business and to live in.

Mayor Adolfo M. Iligan, graciously accepted what were turned over to him with his acceptance speech. The ceremonies ended with a community singing.

Political campaign was hot and bitter in Numancia. But election over, the people are warm and loving. They are ready to join hands in cooperation for a progressive Numancia, a place highly desirable to live in and to do business.

The invitation said, "I am among you as that serveth". (Luke 22:27)

How about other municipalities? In Banga, one day after election and their mayor was re-elected, he was again in search for a political opponent in the 2013 election. What a character!

How about the Ati Atihan and capital town of Kalibo? Kalibo should have lead the way even in the turn over program only. But the outgoing officials and the incoming officials were still bitter. They could have agreed even in the schedule of activities, but did not.

It appeared there was no transition teams that crafted, harmonized, and agreed on the joint turn-over ceremonies.

While Mayor William L. Lachica, vice mayor Madeline Regalado, and the members of the Kalibo Sangguniang Bayan members were holding their induction program at Magsaysay Park, Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo held his turn over ceremonies in the Kalibo Municipal Hall, also at Magsaysay Park.

Mayor William Lachica was not available to accept what are turned over. In his absence, Atty. Julius Leonida, Mayor Lachica’s lawyer represented him.

Outgoing Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo could have find other time to hold the turn over program in order for Mayor William Lachica to attend to accept the mantle of power and responsibilities as Mayor of Kalibo.

In the election of May 10, 2010, Lachica won it as Mayor of Kalibo. Today, he is not only the mayor of the people who voted him but the mayor of all Kalibonhons as well. /MP

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