Sunday, July 11, 2010


Extra Judicial Killing Victim?
At about 6:30 o’clock in the morning, Monday, July 5 in Estancia, Kalibo, Fernando Baldomero and his 12 years old son were in front of their house. Baldomero is about to ride his motorcycle to conduct his son to school in Poblacion, Kalibo.

However, their trip was aborted by two men riding in a motorcycle. The two men suddenly stopped by the side of Baldomero, poked a gun on Baldomero and shot him. They did not harm his son. After Baldomero fall to the ground, the two men left.

Police investigation revealed, the police recovered three (3) empty shells from a 45 caliber gun were recovered at the crime scene. Baldomero was brought to the hospital who was confirmed dead caused by two gun shot wounds on his head and neck. P0.5 million reward is offered to anyone who can provide information leading to the arrest of the suspects.

Early this year, there was an attempt made on Baldomero’s life. A hand grenade was thrown in his house in Barangay Sta. Cruz Bigaa, Lezo.

Baldomero is a member of the SB of Lezo, Aklan at the time of his death. He was re-elected to his second term during the May 10 local election. He won the election under the Liberal Party along with the re-elected Lezo Mayor Victor Fernandez and others . Baldomero was also provincial coordinator of the Makabayan coalition in Aklan at the time of his death. He was also provincial coordinator of "Bayan Muna" in Aklan.

Baldomero’s assassination followed after five days of assumption to duty of President Noynoy Aquino who vowed to totally stop judicial killings. Baldomero is the second victim after a journalist was killed in Tabuk City, Kalinga.

Baldomero’s death resulted to several reactions. Renato Reyes, secretary general of "Bayan Muna" con-demned the killing. He asked President Aquino to "use the full force of the law to arrest the perpetrators. "Baldomero’s death was banner headlines in national newspapers, radio, television and world wide website for a few days.

Bayan Muna Party List Rep. Teddy Casiño, Mr. Satur Ocampo, Dept. of Justice and NBI representatives came to Aklan to investigate the cause of Baldomero’s death.
Who Are The Culprits?

The common first is impression from the military. Baldomero used to be one of the top leaders of leftist group. He was accused of several cases in court he allegedly committed. But that was several years ago. All the accusations filed against Baldomero were dismissed for some reasons like the insufficiency of evidence.

Baldomero has returned to the folds of the law. He operated his own business for his livelihood. He was elected barangay official of his barangay. He was elected member of Lezo SB in May 2007 elections and re-elected on May 10, 2010 local election.

The investigating agencies may extend its coverage of investigation outside of the military, his former leftist comrades, and victims of the leftist group.

The investigators may include matters like 1. how did Baldomero conduct his election campaign in the last election? 2. Who are his allies until his death? and 3. who are his political opponents? Investigators on the matter most expand its area of inquiry in the broad spectrum of the population. Baldomero is no saint. He must have stepped on someone’s foot, or his death is a step on his foot?

The way Baldomero died projected the Province of Aklan via sunset story, a sad one that stained the cleanliness of Aklan. Baldomero‘s death is a great challenge to the police, the NBI and other agencies to solve a crime or crimes.

Baldomero’s death is not a "Wang Wang" matter. It is a violent death that runs deep in the hearts and minds of men, women and the community. It is a challenge to the justice system to re-establish, maintain, and sustain human rights in every person. /MP

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