Friday, July 30, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Numancia Mayor May Inform
There are some interesting things allegedly going on in the Municipal Hall of Numancia, Aklan. However, it should not be revealed yet at this point until EF has taken the side of the concerned officials. Better still if Mayor Adolfo Iligan will answer about the four things brought to the editorial office of Madyaas Pen. This will be revealed as soon as clarification is obtained.

EF tried to contact the concerned officials of LGU Numancia, but they were not available to provide us the information on these matters.

Over Buying

According to P-noy in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 26, National food Authority (NFA) purchased 900,000 metric tons of rice which was seven times more than the 117 metric tons shortage in 2004. In 2007, it bought again 1.827 metric tons, three times more than the shortage of 589,000 metric tons.

These purchases were done abroad, from Vietnam, Thailand and even China. These over importations resulted to: 1. waste as rice just got mold and rotted in NFA warehouses in many parts of the country; 2. NFA incurred debt of P177 billions not to mention tax exemptions given; and 3. discouraged the Filipino farmers to invest and apply scientific palay production in their farms.

Extravagant Payroll

While the Commission on Audit (COA) has ordered Metro Kalibo Water District (MKWD) Management to refund the P3 million paid to its officers and employees in 2003, Pinoy called the P211.5 million paid annually to the Metropolitan Water Works and Sewerage System (MWSS) "extravagant payroll". Like the MWSS, is NKWD extravagant?

This P3 million could be the amount disallowed earlier but the MKWD management did not implement the refund. No refund yet. Hence, the refund orders. This could be one of the reasons why the Board of Directors, MKWD lost confidence on Engr. Billy Domingo which led to his removal as manager of KWD.

But in spite of water crisis in Metro Manila, the MWSS Board of Trustees received a monthly fee of P98,000 or P14,000 per meeting attended. They also received P80,000 annual grocery allowance.

MWSS also allegedly received midyear bonus, productivity bonus, anniversary bonus, yearend bonus, financial assistance, Christmas bonus, and package worth P80,000. On the whole, each member receives P2.5 million a year. Not only that, each also enjoy exclusive car service, technical assistance and loans.

Motor Vehicle Tax Use

All motor vehicle owners pay road user’s tax. How did the government disburse the tax on motor vehicles owners including tricycles and motorcycles paid?

According to P-noy, the DPWH identified at first 46 priority projects estimated to cost P425 million. But only 28 projects were funded. Others were replaced with 70 projects. The original P425 million was increased to P480 million spent for projects of favored few.

"These projects make no sense as they were unstudied, and unprepared for, sprouting like mushrooms."

Value Added Tax

It is gratifying to enjoy from not paying VAT or Sr. Citizen. Drugstores like Mercury and fast food stores like Jollibee do not anymore collect VAT from sales to Sr. Citizens. However, other business establishments like gasoline stations are still collecting VAT. The Office of Sr. Citizens Affairs must do something to compel other businesses comply with the law on Sr. Citizens. /MP

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