Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flashback And Tribute: Fernando Baldomero a.k.a Caloy

Little have I known of the personal and family circumstances of the late Sangguniang Bayan member of Lezo, Aklan, the Honorable Fernando Baldomero, alias Caloy.

But as a veteran newspaperman, Caloy’s life left a long lasting impact and memory to me. It gave me a personal satisfaction which seldom happens to the life of a journalist.

I came to know of Caloy in name and never in person, as the most feared guerilla commander of the New People’s Army in Panay Island. He took over the reign of the armed wing of the CPP-NPA from another Aklanon, Warren-Calizo, after the latter’s capture in the Manila Domestic Airport in the early 1980’s.

As a beat journalist in the Philippine Army during the hey days of retired MSGT Matt A. Wacan and then Army Captain Nemesio P. Neron who later became the director of the PNP in Valenzuela City and Aklan. Neron is now reelected board member of Aklan. I heard many stories of bravery of the man, Caloy.

It is a common perception that military units in Panay were avoiding encounters with NPA troops led by Caloy. There was also a confirmed report that once Caloy exposed himself in the hinterlands of Panay to engage a shootout, a military helicopter gunship is dispatched in the army-NPA encounters.

Victor Is Wounded

In 1993, another development in the counter-insurgency war, which was at its peak in the late 80’s and early 90’s, happened in Aklan. Felix Mainit’s brother, Victor, all Caloy’s cousins in San Ramon, Malinao was wounded in an army-NPA encounter in the hinterlands of Malinao.

Felix was the former SB member of Malinao. Victor had been in the NPA movement for quite sometime.

Wounded, Victor scampered to safety and when traced and discovered by the pursuing and engaging troops, the army operative spared his life. Victor was brought to the Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital for treatment. Strafing Victor with gunfires at that instance when he was discovered may have been justified in the guise of a legitimate encounter.

But there was human compassion on the part of the Philippine Army’s pursuing troops. Victor recuperated, with the military helping him recover. Victor is how gainfully employed in LGU Malinao. He was accommodated by former Mayor Rosie Iguban after his recovery.

The incident changed Felix’s outlook in life. An ideologist and idealist waging psychological war against the Establishment, while supporting the insurgents under cover. Felix was embraced by the compassion of the military.

Thinking of repaying the good deeds of the army over the fate of his brother, he thought of his cousin, Caloy, still in hills unwaveringly fighting the government and whose life and future were uncertain. Felix thought of Caloy returning back to the folds of the law and mainstream society pursuing a peaceful and secured life.

Felix started negotiating with the army intelligence of the 47th Infantry Battalion under the dimumtive Lt. De Guzman. While the net for Caloy’s capture was being laid down, Felix was in constant contact with this writer. Why? It was understandable. Felix wanted that a reliable journalist should know and chronicle the operation, all for Caloy’s safety. We were not discounting the fact that Caloy can turn to a "desaparicido" after capture.

Felix got my nod, clearing the operation to happen, provided no shootout shall happen in a heavily populated area in Jaro, Iloilo City where Caloy has a safehouse.
Successful Operation

The operation was scheduled on the day when Felix has to deliver food supply to Caloy. Army intelligence operation proceeded two days earlier to the vicinity of the target area casing the same to ensure smooth operation. For sure, only Felix was familiar with Caloy’s physical profile and Felix was part of the operation for accurate identification of the target.

The day came. The operation was over in 45 minutes with accurate precision. Caloy was bagged, unharmed and whisked immediately to the 47th IB headquarters, Libas, Banga, Aklan.

Back in Kalibo, Felix updated me of the operations. For sure, the army wanted to keep the successful operation secret for a while until debriefing is over. I said for Caloy to be erased on earth is a great possibility.

But not to Felix and this writer. Immediately, I scribbled a news article and immediately dispatched it to Iloilo for publication in the Daily Times wherein I was then the Bureau Chief in Aklan. The following day the news came out. Veteran broadcasters Butz J. Maquinto and Conrad Indelible, then of RMN-DYKR, picked up the news and reverberated the airwaves. Aklanons knew Caloy was already in the army custody. Newspaper readers all over the region knew the high ranking NPA commander was already in the 47th IB hands.

Military Protocol and SOP Violation

Military protocol and standard operating pro-cedures had been violated by the news release. Then, Battallion Commander, Lt. Col. Froilan Maglaya was summoned by his commanding general at the 3rd ID to be bawled and received "window dressing".

Felix and I were brimming with satisfaction. We knew we lifted Caloy from the darkness of uncertainty. Had he remained with the revolutionary movement, sooner he will encounter the wrath of the military bullets.

For a decade, Caloy has returned to a normal life. He realized that he can also serve the downtrodden while in the mainstream society and even in government.

Caloy was almost a permanent fixture in the Aklan SP before his death, asking assistance for his beleaguered constituents and for his projects in Lezo.

Sayang Si Caloy

Everytime I saw him in the office, the story of his capture returned to my mind, but I never told him. I was happy keeping it to myself.

Caloy is gone. He returned to his Creator. But in a gruesome manner, from the bullets of his merciless assassins. The same bullets Felix and I wanted Caloy to avoid while in the hills.

"Sayang". I shed a tear over the loss of life being wasted senselessly in a lingering ideological war. But in Caloy’s case he was saved from there, only to lose it a decade later in another senseless and merciless atrocity.

"Sayang si Caloy". The people of Lezo and his family could have made full use of him. Merciless assassins deprived them of Caloy’s compassion for the marginalized and the have-nots.

Caloy has to meet his savior from the hills, Felix to the Great Beyond. I am left with this very vivid memory. Felix, too, lost his life in another senseless incident. /MP

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