Thursday, July 01, 2010

Fr. Relente Blesses Numancia Projects

Mayor Elverita T. Templonuevo with Rev. Fr. Jose R. Relente posing with town and Brgy. officials of Numancia after the blessing of the Numancia Bagsakan Center and Public Market Comfort Room.

Numancia town, under the outgoing leadership of Mayor Elverita T. Templonuevo held a series of blessings of some newly competed projects.

Blessed are the Numancia Bagsakan Center, Public Market Comfort Room, Pasalubong Center, Numancia Youth Tambayan Center, Cultural Stage, Covered Court, and Rizal Park.

The blessings were done by Rev. Fr. Jose R. Relente, parish priest of Numancia on Saturday morning, June 26.

The Bagsakan Center and Comfort Room are located inside the Numancia Public Market funded at P1 million from the Department of Agriculture.

The Pasalubong Center will serve as the display for sale of horticulture goods and processed foods of Numanciahanons specially produced for guests and visitors like the tourists. It is situated in the central part of Poblacion, Numancia.

The Cultural Stage, Covered Court, Youth Tambayan Center and Rizal Park are developments done in Numancia Town Plaza. It is a youth and adult persons friendly construc-ted to serve people in their spare time for recreation, sports, programs, and even for bonding.

According to outgoing Mayor Elverita Templonuevo, she raised P54.3 million from external sources during her term as Mayor. This money enabled her to implement those projects.

In 2007, the municipal income of Numancia was only P4,383,210. In 2009 it reached P10,398,690. The municipal revenues increased by 237 percent in three years under the watch of Mayor Templonuevo. /MP

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