Sunday, July 11, 2010

Impractical and Unsustainable Dredging

Mitigation of La Niña phenomenon, disaster preparedness and current status of Aklan river dredging preparedness and current status of Aklan river dredging project were topics during July 5, 2010 presscon held at Eco tourism park in New Buswang. Guests were Atty. Allen S. Quimpo, Exec. Director, Aklan Rivers Development Council (ARDC); Mr. Pete Ruiz, Action Officer, Aklan Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council, (APDCC); Engr. Victory Fernandez, PEO; Engr. Lenard Sta. Maria, Resident Engr. Repair and Rehabilitation Reg’l. DPWH; and Engr. Roger M. Esto, PPDO.

Atty. Quimpo revealed that the La Niña is upon us and mitigating measures must be insured against an estimated 24 tropical depressions to pass until the end of this year. From the lessons learned from typhoon Frank, we are adopting the Albay Public Safety & Emergency Approach that focuses on zero casualty and quick reaction group.

Mitigating measures, according to Mr. Ruiz, are embodied in a 2005-2015 long range plan that includes institution of disaster preparedness in the event of typhoon, flood, earthquake and other calamities. SOP protocol requires that APDCC provides accurate information to all mass media outlet at the onset of Typhoon Signal No. I. A Provincial Quick Reaction group shall be mobilized at ABL Sports Complex to respond to any call for emergency assistance.

An important component of the plan is early detection and prevention. A zero hazard map pinpoints potential environmental hazards like flood prone, landslide and earthquake fault line areas. Earlier, four rain gauges have been installed in Altavas, Libacao, Ibajay and Goding Ramos Park, Kalibo, Mr. Ruiz added.

Engr. Esto as Action Officer of ARDC revealed that profiling of Aklan River meandering some 50 kilometers from Dalagsa-an, Libacao to Kalibo’s delta has been completed. However, concentration of JICA fund assistance in the amount of P1 billion starts from Kalibo delta (Bakhao Norte) to Linabuan Norte or (9) kilometers.

The Aklan Provincial government has initially committed P5 million and another P100 million for the purchase of dredging equipment in order to accelerate flood mitigation efforts.

With the equipment, the target of the Provincial Engineer’s Office is to excavate 10,000 cubic meters upstream of the Kalibo bridge says Engr. Fernandez.

Meanwhile, Engr. Sta. Maria says that the P95.8 million dredging project undertaken by IBC Joint Venture is 27.0 percent completed as of June 25, 2010. This is based on 50,000 cubic meter removal of sand and gravel from Aklan riverbed out of a total target of 185,000. The nature of work consists of widening 300-600 meters and depth of 1.5 – 2.0 meters. Actual work began on April 9, 2010 and expected to end seven months later. The rated capacity of dredging equipment is 1000–1500 cubic meters per day.

The release of P100 million for dredging/flood control project Aklan river out of P1.0 billion estimated cost appears very inadequate to accomplish the objective of ARDC. Huge funding outlay is required in the dredging operation prior to building concrete embankments of three (3) kilometers. The Kalibo and Numancia sides dredging of the river appears Herculean job if not impossible. This is based on reality with the change of new administration and limited of fund.

Obviously, the alterative proposal of Atty. Quimpo is to undertake massive reforestation program in the uplands managed by NGO’s like the Kalibo Save the Mangrove Assn. The project is very practical and sustainable. Indeed, while the dredging work covers a year, a single flood occurrence may wipe out physical improvements in just a day. Moreover, there are more or less two dozen typhoons a year which may visit although not all are very destructive. Bottomline: we are just blowing in the wind.

Typhoon Frank exacted 51 Aklanon lives two years ago. If APDCC is targeting zero human lives casualty this year, it must implement contingency measure by removing dwelling units in or near flood prone areas. It should be noted that LGU Kalibo has enacted an ordinance delineating 35 meters from Aklan River in C. Laserna St. as pullback. This ordinance has never been implemented. Should the worse happen, must APDCC be blamed or LGU Kalibo? If APDCC is ineffective because of RA 7160 or Local Auto-nomy Code then what is its real function? /MP

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