Thursday, July 01, 2010

NPA’s Desperate Attack in Army’s Jamindan Detachment


Major General Vicente M. Porto reminding members of the Cafgu Active Auxiliary in Aningalan Detachment, San Remegio, Antique of their role in safeguarding their communities thru vigilance and commitment to our mission. (3ID file photo)

Division Public Affairs Office, Camp Peralta, Jamindan, Capiz— Communist Terrorists believed to be under the command of Francisco Balois aka Tonying of the CPP-NPA’s Panay Island Central Front Committee attempted to attack an Army detachment in Jamindan, Capiz on June 25.

The detachment, situated in Barangay Santo Rosario, Jamindan is located approximately 17 kilometers from the 3rd Infantry Division’s Headquarters in Brgy Jaena Norte also in Jamindan and about 15 kilometers from the town of Tapaz. The Army detachment was attacked at around eight o’clock in the morning but due to the presence of mind of the detachment commander and his CAAs (Cafgu Active Auxiliary), they reacted quickly and routed the advancing communist terrorists. The firefight lasted 10 minutes as the rebels retreated after failing to engage our soldiers and CAA decisively in combat.

The detachment commander of Santo Rosario, Sgt Hernando De Guzman of the 12th Infantry (Cadre) Battalion, suffered a bullet wound on his left shoulder during the initial volley of fire. Despite being shot early in the fight, he valiantly led his CAAs to defend and to charge the attacking NPA. De Guzman was taken to Camp Peralta Station Hospital for treatment.

De Guzman said, "we saw there were only a few of them (rebels), around 10 armed men surrounding our base. Our Cafgus reacted quickly and we routed their advance. Furthermore, we chased them out." Pursuit operations by the 47th Infantry (Katapatan) Battalion are currently underway in the surrounding areas of Jamindan and Tapaz. "It was a brief firefight. We believed they either ran out of ammunition or evacuated their wounded and dead," de Guzman added.

It can be recalled that last June 13, a successful ambush was launched by your Army troopers against the same terrorist group wherein two blood-soaked satchels that concealed a landmine and subversive communist paraphernalia were found. "We believe that with the intense pressure of our Internal Security operations (ISO) in Central Panay, specifically in the areas of Tapaz-Calinog-Lambunao, they have resorted to a desperate move to distract us from flushing them out," said 1LT Mark Andrew T Posadas, information officer of the 3rd ID.

"The failure of their attack in Sto Rosario is a manifestation that they lack the manpower, firepower, and resources to launch full-scale offensive. This attack will not deter us from successfully accomplishing our mandated ISO mission. It gives us a clearer picture of the desperation of the NPA and their diminished capability in launching decisive tactical offensive against Government troops. /MP

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