Friday, July 30, 2010

Numancia Three Year Accomplishment

"A Bounty Harvest" is an "Accomplishment Report" of former Numancia Town Mayor Elvirita T. Templonuevo. The report covers the period July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2010.
The report, in a magazine format, is prepared "so that the people may know" said former Mayor Elvirita T. Templonuevo.

She wrote, "to all those who, through the seasons of life have been inspired by the beauty and joy of serving our people by working for the advancement of their best interest; and to those whose trust and confidence to their public servants, had helped them work collectively with integrity and honestly, this report is for you."

The report covers the plans, projects, and activities accomplished in agriculture, finance, engineering, social welfare, data recording like marriages, births, and deaths, peace and order, and general municipal administration.

All the projects undertaken and accomplished for the last three years are listed in detail.

The Municipal Treasurer, Ms. Elisa C. Solanoy has reported the sum of P112,288,251.48 income for the years 2007, 2008, and 2009. She also reported the individual projects where that money was spent.

Like Ms. Solanoy, the Municipal Accountant, Ms. Soledad Mateo also reported the statement of Income and Expenses for January 2010 to May 2010 which totaled P16,055,698.24.

Unless contrary fact is reported and proven true, this Templonuevo report remains correct and credible.

On the whole, the accomplishment report of Numancia, under the watch of former Mayor Elvirita T. Templonuevo is worthy of respect and emulation. /MP

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