Thursday, August 26, 2010

Aklan Doctors Warn The Excessive Use of Tawa Tawa

The Aklan Medical Society (AMS) and the Provincial Health Office both warned residents of Aklan against the excessive use of Tawa Tawa as a herbal medicine in its fight against Dengue.

Dr. Emma Cortez of the Provincial Health Office (PHO) revealed, they received reports that many residents are using Tawa Tawa leaves on Dengue victims. She warned them against its excessive use.

Tawa tawa is a weed which allegedly provides relief for Dengue victims. The people must boil the said weed in water with the resulting brew given to a Dengue patient.

According to reports, said Tawa Tawa leaves are now being sold at P20 per packet in Aklan, while 1.5 liters of Tawa Tawa juice cost P100.

However, physicians warned that there is no scientific study yet to back up the belief, the said weed is really effective against Dengue.

Dr. Felma Dela Cruz, of AMS, advises the people that Tawa Tawa as herbal medicine should only be taken according to doctor’s prescription. Excessive use of it could put the victims’ life in danger.

Based on the records of the PHO, from January until August 19, 2010, Aklan had registered 370 Dengue cases with three deaths. Eight of the Dengue victims treated in Aklan came from the provinces of Capiz, Iloilo and Antique.

Due to the increasing number of cases, Aklan Governor Carlito S. Marquez declared the province under a state of emergency for Dengue. (PNA) /MP

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