Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aklan’s First Dengue Death Case

The Provincial Health Office (PHO) Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital (DRSTMH) Kalibo, Aklan has confirmed the death of a suspected Dengue case patient last week.

The patient, confined at the pedia ward of the DRSTMH, was from Malay, Aklan. Its death was the first recorded in Aklan in seven months.

July registered the highest number of patients brought to Aklan hospitals with 129. Three of these, however, are from Antique and 1 from Capiz.
Some patients from Aklan brought straight to Iloilo City and Roxas City are not included in the recorded dengue cases in Aklan. From January to June 2010, the PHO listed a total of 103 cases.

For the month of July, Kalibo registered the highest number of Dengue patients with 37 followed by Numancia, 28; and New Washington, 19. The rest of Aklan towns like Batan had 8; Makato 7; Lezo, 5; Banga, 4; Malay, 4; Altavas, 4; Malinao, 3; Balete, 2; Tangalan, Ibajay, Libacao, and Madalag had one case each.

According to Roger Debuque, Supervising Sanitary Inspector based at the Technical Department of PHO-Aklan, the PHO is sustaining advocacy campaigns to prevent the further increase of Dengue patients in Aklan.

This involves going around barangays and educating constituents the proper manner of waste disposal like empty cans, tires, bottles, coconut shells and other garbage where rainwater could stay will not become breeding places of Dengue-carrying mosquitoes.

"Plant parts that gather water, like bromeliads should be covered with soil to prevent mosquitoes from breeding there," Debuque said.

The hollow parts of bamboo poles used in fences of houses that gather rain water should also be covered or filled with soil, as this is another possible mosquito-breeding area.

The local government units in Aklan have started mobilizing their health workers to prevent the incidence of Dengue in their respective areas.

Kalibo has the highest number of Dengue cases. Mayor William Lachica is mobilizing health workers and barangay officials to check the growing number of Dengue patients in the municipality.

From January to June, Kalibo also registered the highest number of Dengue patients with a total of 40 out of the 103 cases throughout Aklan. (Venus G. Villanueva) /MP

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