Thursday, August 19, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Blessed Town
Libacao, Aklan is the most blessed town in the Province of Aklan. For 2009 alone, it was a recipient of some 12 infrastructure projects. This is funded at an aggregate sum of P460 million.

Of the 12 projects, five (5) are started in July 2009 which budget is P180 million. These projects are: Luctoga – Manika Road – P20 million for opening; Luctoga – Manika Road – P38 million for widening; Manika – Sitio Tina road – P42 million for opening; Manika – Sitio Tina road – P38 million for another opening; and Sitio Tina – Sitio Nausan Road – P42 million for opening. Another four projects are bidded in August 2009. It is not
clear if its corresponding budgets are released. Anyway, these projects are Rosal – Loctuga road – P42 million for widening; Sitio Tina – Sitio Nausan road – P40 million for opening; again Sitio Tina – Sitio Nausan road – P40 million for opening; and Sitio Nausan – Sitio Agbatuan road – P34 million for, again, opening.

Moreover, there are three tentative projects which funding is P122 million. There are for the opening of the Sitio Nausan – Sitio Agbatuan road at P38 million for opening; Sitio Nausan – Sitio Agbatuan road at P44 million for opening; and Sitio Agbatuan – Sitio Dalagsaan at P40 million for opening. What a huge amount of investment for the same locations of the same jobs opening/improvement!

If this P462 millions of pesos were actually spent, the Libacaonons must have more money in circulation today. Did anyone become a millionaire?

By the way, there are two infrastructure projects in Ibajay included in the list worth P40 million.

These projects are for the widening of the Brgy. Monlaque road for P20 million. It was bidded on August 20, 2009. Is it completed? The other project is tentative at P20 million for the widening of Brgy. Aparicio, Brgy. Minaa road.

P600 M Rehab Panay Project

Regional Director Rolando Asis of the Dept. of Public Works and Highways reported the sum of P600 million calamity funds for Panay is now available. The rehabilitation projects construction is now in full swing. The projects being reconstructed are damaged by typhoon Frank in June 2008.

Among those being rehabilitated are the Marcos Bridge, Maasin, Iloilo, Baltazar Aquino Bridge, Poblacion, Leon, Iloilo; and Camanggahan Bridge, Camanggahan, Guimbal, Iloilo; Balabag – Sulangan, Balabag – Pulaw – Sulangan, Iloilo; and Dumangas Road, Iloilo.

In Aklan, what is under rehabilitation is river control in Libacao for P55 million. In Antique, the DPWH will rehabilitate the Patnongon Valderama road. No mention if there is a rehab project in Capiz.

For one thing, the rehab projects will not be identified because the posting of billboards are now prohibited under DPWH Order No. 37 signed by Secretary Rogelio L. Singson. But a modified billboard will be set in place sans pictures.

How about the billboards of the various local government units? Are they covered by the Order?

Livestock Program

In Leon, Iloilo, the provincial veterinarian and his staff members are now busy vaccinating their livestocks like cattle and carabao against Hemorrhagic Septicemia. There is the outbreak of that livestock disease in that town. They will vaccinate all livestock in Leon.

This is one of the weaknesses of government projects. They will not act unless attacked. But it is much advisable to be proactive rather than reactive. Work to prevent, though work to cure as well.

According to Dr. Silvino Teodosio, Iloilo provincial veterinarian, livestock like cattle and carabao must be given vitamins in order to build resistance against "pasteurilla multocida" a bacteria which is prevalent during wet season.

The hemosep outbreak in Leon, Iloilo has already resulted to the death of nine (9) carabaos and five (5) cows.

The disease is characterized by a sudden onset of high fever, dyspnea, salivation, hot painful sub cutaneous swellings and submucosal petechiae, followed with death.
Dr. Teodosio advises the farmers to bury dead animals immediately and never double slaughter it for food.

Leon is the livestock capital of Iloilo where the farmers greatly derive their income from raising live stocks. /MP

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